Wavy Hairstyles
Trough years waves have made their way in becoming in one of the most trending hairstyles of all times. They are not that hard to get done and basically transform your hair by making it look elegant and classy.
That’s why wavy hairstyles are getting to be so popular among people, it doesn’t matter if you want to style it in a loose way, tied up or a braid, waves are definitely going to highlight your hairstyle even more
Wavy hairstyles can be performed of course, with natural wavy hair but if you unfortunately don’t have this shape, there is nothing a curling tong or a pair of curlers can’t fix!
Wavy Hairstyles for Girls
While wavy hairstyles can make women look a little wilder or styled, it is impossible to deny the angelical air they provide to little girls and young ladies (specially for more formal events like weddings).
Waves get along with almost any kind of hairstyle, but they also compliment themselves very well with hair accessories or even scrunchies. Here we show you some fantastic wavy hairstyles that are going to make girls look fantastic:
Side Half-Tie with a Bow Clip
As we claimed before, wavy hairstyles can be easily done even if the person does not have the luck to own it naturally; hence this particular hairstyle it’s a living proof of it; any girl can show it around and it even looks better when the waves are done by curling rollers.
Another advantage is how comfortable the hairstyle will be for your little girl, with this wavy hairstyle it’s ensured that hair will not be a problem for the girl so she can freely play around without annoying hair messing in her face.
All of this without mentioning how elegant and feminine the cute ribbon looks like in the hairstyle.
In order for you to get it done in the right way, here are the things you are going to need:
-Olive oil, bow clip, a fine and a rat tail comb, some curling rollers.
How to perform the hairstyle:
- Olive oil can be a very good way to aid the wavy hairstyle’s steadiness, apply an average amount and spread it all across the hair.
- Using the rat tail comb, create a deep side partition in the head.
- Remove any existing tangles by combing the sided hair.
- Now it’s time to do the body of the hairstyle itself, take big enough sections of hair and roll them with the curling rollers. Let them on for around an hour and then release.
- Softly finger comb the loosed hair through the waves.
- Gather the rest of the hair from the top to the sided part of the
- To finish off, use the bow clip to create a crown hair in order to get a loose half-tie.
And that is all! See? Getting a wavy hairstyle has never been effortless and prettier!
Waterfall Braid with Waves
Currently, this wavy hairstyle is causing sensation. Girls in both high and middle school are getting crazy about it as we rarely find a hairstyle that manages to combine subtleness and beauty, however, the waterfall braid with waves is able to accomplish so in a magnificent way.
Whether you want to look cool on a regular high school day, or don’t know what to do with your hair for that upcoming party, this hairstyle can work as a truly lifesaver for you. It might take a few practice sessions to perfectionate the braid, but once you get the ring to it, it’ll be a piece of cake.
If you are a beginner with these types of braids, don’t be afraid! We are going to explain you how to achieve this gorgeous hairstyle.
Steps to follow:
If your hair is not naturally wavy and as an important part of the wavy hairstyle, you can follow these simple steps to curl it evenly:
- Section the hair with the aid of a rat tail comb and in the most suitable way for you so it’ll be easier to curl.
- Curl away from the face on either side of the midline.
- Curl flat at the roots, then allow the hair to spiral mid-shaft to the ends.
- Add hairspray in order to avoid the waves vanish.
Once you’re done curling and your hair is all waves, we can begin with the hairstyle:
Pick the side of the head in which you want to start the hairstyle and grab two strands of hair.
Identify the section of hair closer to your face and cross that one over the other so it will get away from your face.
Now we’ll have to take another strand of hair from the top of the head and pass it over the one we just moved away from the face.
In order to start creating the body of the wavy hairstyle, drop the section you just pulled from the top part and instead, pick the strand from below.
Pull it over the already created waterfall section and grab another section of hair from the top part of your head in order to create another waterfall piece and complement the hairstyle.
Continue repeating the process all along the hair. The curls will beautifully complete the look.
Top Knot Trend
This specific hairstyle basically has everything: style, beauty, youthful and incredibly easy to put together. It’s one of the most trending wavy hairstyles among girls, specially girls with short or medium-length hair.
The best part of this hairstyle is that waves aid hugely to provide that relaxed and chill vibe that every girl should have once in a while.
Another good thing about it is that you can play with the knot’s shape, you can add a little braid around it or maybe do two twists instead of one to complement the wavy hairstyle.
Wavy Hairstyles for Women
From Marilyn Monroe to Kim Kardashian, it’s undeniably accurate how wavy hairstyles can highlight the natural beauty of a woman. It doesn’t matter the hair’s length, color or shape, waves can provide a look worthy of a supermodel.
We can also remark the fact that wavy hairstyles work equally fine whether they’re in isolation or go along with curls. Often this combination is able to create the perfect contexture you were looking for in your hair, and maybe that’s why women are loving it nowadays.
Wavy hairstyles for women do not always have to be all about loose waves, they can easily get along with creative braids and twists or fun hair ornaments and still look fancy.
If you’re eager to know some of the best and most trending wavy hairstyles, don’t waste more time and look:
Wavy Ponytail with Textured Edges
As women, sometimes we don’t have enough time to go through an extremely complicated and structured hairstyle on mornings or any other time of the day. Other times, perhaps we’ll be looking for a more natural and non-elaborated look.
If you ever find yourself in one of those days, do not hesitate in choosing this wavy hairstyle as the best choice to make you feel comfortable and elegantly pretty!
Dive in by following these simple tips so the hairstyle will get stunning:
- Make sure to tease your scalp up in order to achieve that messy look on the top of the head.
- When you get your waves done (doesn’t matter if by a curler iron or curlers) gather the rest of your hair into a semi-high ponytail and tie it with an elastic band.
- Whenever you want to give it a wispier flair to the ends, add some texture with hairspray.
Twisted Bun Half Updo
Looking at this particular hairstyle is when we realize how important the role of waves can be at the moment of talking about hairstyles.
The twisted bun half updo looks beautifully accomplished thanks to the presence and aid of waves; it doesn’t only favor the whole body of the bun itself, but also provides a harmonized and evenly air turning it into a feminine and elegant wavy hairstyle.
As if it was not enough, the form of the bun It’s up to you, you can create It from a braid perhaps, or put it together with several twists.
Side Fishtail Braid with Loose Waves
It’s incredible how we frequently believe that a messy wavy hairstyle cannot go by the hand with a styled one, but this kind of hairstyles are here to disbelief it. In here we can appreciate the way waves work along a loose fishtail braid in order to deliver a gorgeous and angelical look.
To get the look, keep in mind the braid is kind of the core of the hairstyle, wavy strands will get along naturally and once you figure the way you like it better, this beautiful wavy hairstyle will take form by itself.
Wavy Hairstyles for Men
Not all men are lucky enough to have the bliss of joying from wavy hair, but those who do, are certainly creative on who to style it and come up with some super awesome wavy hairstyles.
As well as with women, waves have a particular way to emphasize a man’s features. Also, they are a way to depict the union between old fashion style and modern hairstyles.
Wavy hairstyles have become a way to enhance any style and add volume, that is why from a couple of years to now men are opting for changing their regular straight hairstyles to waves.
However, as we are well aware that sometimes getting all of those hair products can be as expensive as damaging for your own hair, we intend to show you some funny and natural techniques to get your wavy hairstyles successfully done.
One of the best and easiest ways to get your waves is by using the technique of hair drying, get your hair moisturized and then just make sure to set the hair dryer on the medium set temperature so it won’t mean a long-term damage to your wavy hairstyle.
Once you’ve done it, roll the largest pieces of your hair (they are usually on front) around your fingers, so they will play the role of a round brush and start hair drying as if you were actually using one, the heat of the hair dryer will lock the wave in place, so it will remain steady.
Continue doing this process until you run out of hair to dry and until you’ve gotten all the waves you wanted. If you really want to keep the wavy hairstyle in place, we recommend using a high-quality styling-clay or some wax to be spread through the hair.
And that’s how easy it is to get your waves done without hair products! Now you can try on some new hairstyles you might didn’t before.
Wavy Hairstyles for Men with Short Hair
Now that you’ve learnt how to create that flawless style waves can provide you, it’s time to begin with the wavy hairstyles.
It’s not rare to hear people’s beliefs on thinking short hair in men is usually dull, however, the best advantage you’ll get from wavy hairstyles is the fact that you will be able to give it a twist to classy regular hairstyles for men, you won’t believe the change waves can get you.
Wavy Comb Over/Side Part
The hairstyle: this one’s a very good option for formal events or just to make your waves highlight. In order to get this hairstyle, ask your stylist to leave your hair shorter on the down part of the head’s both sides by trimming it and parting the length’s hair towards the right.
As a plus, try asking for a hard part bladed to save you some time in the morning, this will also complete the wavy hairstyle beautifully.
How to style: in order to get the perfect look and to get it styled the way you want, this time we do are going to need some help from hair product to aid the hairstyle’s body: get a vent brush, the wax you like better, a hairdryer and if you precise some extra help with the waves, invest some money in sea salt spray to get the final texture.
Now let’s begin by hair drying your hair from roots up and grabbing the vent brush, start pulling up and to the side instead of backwards and continue creating the shape with your hands. When your hair is completely dry, use the wax to spread it over and help the wavy hairstyle to remain.
Wavy Fringe
As previously said, it is undeniable true that waves and curls can get along perfectly, this hairstyle in particular it’s a living proof of it. It suits just fine for daily work or just to show off a more casual and messier look.
The hairstyle: Most of these hairstyles follow the same rule: shorter-faded on all the down back part of the head and leaving the hair’s length left on top, this one on the other hand, has the exception to ask your barber to use scissors in order to get the front part of hair a little longer than the rest.
How to style: To get this wavy hairstyle is even less complicated than the others. Use some curl enhancing mousse, apply to your hair when damped and use your hands to scrunch as you get it dry; this will be the catalyst to obtain those soft and relaxed waves.
You can always add some hairspray or any other texturizer to the mix as helping the creation of the body’s hair, just make sure to style it the way it benefits you the most.
Slicked Back
If you are looking for a classier and more elegant look, this is just the hairstyle for you. It combines some of the airs from prior years with a touch of originality. There is no doubt it turns men into fancier and handsome.
The hairstyle: one of the great advantages from this hairstyle is that works for almost any kind of hair texture and for men with short and medium-length hair. To get it done, you just have to ask for an undercut with loose curls.
How to style: however, you will do have to use several tons of hold-pomade or any other product that aids to maintain the wavy hairstyle in the wished way. Moisturize your hair with water and immediately start using your fingers to put your hair back with the pomade you chose.
To combine the hairstyle along with your beard is only going to make you look even more desirable! So, do not lose a chance in trying.
Wavy Hairstyles for Men with Long Hair
For those who have been patient enough for her hair’s growth, there’s always a reward. Whether waves have made their way into your life on their own terms or you provoked them, they always look ridiculously hot.
And let’s not talk about the infinity of wavy hairstyles you could perform.
Here we show you some of the best options to try with your wavy hair:
Messy Top-Knot
Hairstyles with long hair are a great opportunity to play around with the effect that waves provide, this one in particular is a very good way to style up your hair: shows around your waves, it’s classy and perfect for occasions in which you want your hair to be tamed.
Just grab a hair band and gathering all of your hair into a ponytail give it a twist in different areas of your head until you hit on with the perfect wavy hairstyle.
Loose Waves for Medium-Length Hair
Some days you will be feeling more like leaving your wild waves free, and why not? They are a beautiful wavy hairstyle on their own!
Putting it together along with a suit will not only give you the halo of a model but will also make you look incredibly handsome with a look that is subtle but stylish at the same time. You can achieve this wavy hairstyle by combing it the way you prefer aiding yourself with the fingers.
Top bun with Waves
When looking for getting through those exhausting sunny days, this particular hairstyle is more than accurate, it will help you to get your hair out of your face and even will be gentle with your waves at creating more of it.
However, it doesn’t only work for these moments but still make you seem very neat and with a lot of style, if you can style it in order to make your waves highlight, it will look even better.
Wavy Hairstyles for Boys
Usually wavy hairstyles are even easier to perform in kids or young men as they’re hair’s shape and texture is still changing and adjusting to climate, if they are lucky enough to own it, there is no doubt they tend to look even more angelical than usual.
That is why we’ve set up this list to give you some inspiration if you want to perform a wavy hairstyle on your little guy:
Beach Waves
This cute wavy hairstyle will be the perfect option if you and your little angel don’t decide whether to leave the hair short or long. Is easy to perform, funny and will make your little man look awesome!
Long Hair with Textured Waves
As with men, boys can also look very good with long hair, it’s a fantastic hairstyle to profit their natural waves. If you want to try it don’t worry if the edges are a little messy, it’s just part of the wavy hairstyle’s charm.
One Side Wavy Layers
Adapting this particular wavy hairstyle for the young men wasn’t easy, but, it is well achieved by letting your little boy’s hair grow enough until the length has gotten enough to do it, choose wisely your barber and the hairstyle will get incredible!
We thank you deeply for reading this article until the end, we hope that was helpful to you in order to get you some ideas about wavy hairstyles.
If you enjoyed it or liked it enough please share with your friends or family so more people get to know about the topic and create ideas, we will bring you more articles like this very soon.
Thank you again and hope for the next time!
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