Thin Hair Hairstyles
All the women are constantly looking for a “change in look” but this is an issue when their hair is “fine” or when they have a thin hair.
That is the reason why we are going to show you that you can do whatever you what with your hair, it does not matter the kind of hair you have.
Also in this article you would find some tips to take a better care of your hair, moreover you would find a few types of thin hair hairstyles that would help you to look with more volume.
When we talk about fine hair or thin hair we refer to the specific texture of your hair. There are different hair textures, such as coarse, medium and fine.
The thin hair is so frail and it is susceptible to lose volume and to look like it is crushed. The thin hair can be curly, wavy or straight.
It can be naturally dry or relatively healthy. This kind of hair it has to be treated with gentle care, especially when using chemical processing of any kind.
Curly or Straight thin hair
The curly hairs, usually has its own volume , even if it is a thin hair this will have more movement than straight hair.
While, in the straight hair you should look for ways to give it mobility and volume to make it look beautiful.
Also, both of them deserve a specific care because this kind of hair is usually very fragile. It is normal that, in addition, you feel that it is continually entangled.
If the hair has waves and is thin, it is very likely that it will pull back or sponge very frequently in damp climates and if it is straight.
In climates thin hair often seems scarce and will tend to accumulate static. Thin hair is characterized by having no volume or at least if it has it, it’s just a little, so haircutting is vital.
A cut with several layers is recommended so that the hair recovers that lost volume and mobility. The right cut and styling products are especially important for thin curly hair.
Know your hair type
The answer to this question is easy. Each individual may have different hair textures in their entire head, but always one of them is predominant.
To know this, we should just do a quick test, which consists of taking one of your hairs between your fingers, if you do not feel anything then you have a thin hair.
If you feel the hair between your fingers you have a medium hair; And if you feel like you have a thick thread between your fingers, then you have a coarse hair.
Other tip to know which type you have is take a lock of hair and see carefully if is transparent and if it has elasticity. If it is like this, then you have a thin hair.
Special care for thin hair
All hair types should be treated with the specific care that each of them deserves.
To talk about thin hair we must take in consideration that this is one of the types of hair that has less vitamins.
Therefore, it is weaker and more sensitive, which makes it break more easily.
When we are aware that our hair is thin and that it entails some discomfort.
We must learn how to take care of it to maintain its health and beauty. Thin hair must be combed gently to shape it and be especially careful in drying.
At first, we must consider that the products that we use with our hair have to be of the appropriate type, that is, if our hair is thin we should use products for thin hair.
Most of these products are specially designed to provide the vitamins that our hair type deserves, all those vitamins that do not have the general products, these ones will have them.
For this reason, it is essential that the products we use are appropriate for our hair type.
That type of products like, shampoo, conditioner and styling cream can be found in any store.
Avoid doing these things if you have thin hair
There is a huge amount of things we should avoid when taking care of our hair, most of them we do constantly and even without realizing it.
One of them is the way of combing our hair, since many times we do it abruptly, which cause a large part of it to fall or weaken.
Secondly, the which way we dry our hair is very important, due to the style of our hair we must take into account that being very weak.
It is recommended to let it dry naturally, or outdoors. The dryers, irons or curling irons do a damage our hair severely.
Also for thin hair it is recommended to use products that provide volume, such as fixative, hair mousse and many more.
It should be noted that for this type of hair less is more, it means that the less products we use the better the results. This hair tends to grease very fast, which causes it to lose volume and shine.
Common mistakes while choosing a hairstyle
We can see that in the first picture she has a long thin hair and in the second one she has a short hair with some waves, which looks amazing on her.
We can find few mistakes like these when we are choosing our hairstyle, especially for the thin hair.
Then, one of the worst mistakes we ever made is that we choose the wrong color for our hair and also the wrong haircut.
Thin hair should be kept up to the shoulders or shorter, and without layers to maintain movement and shape.
For thin hair, the color also contributes in large part because it allows to create volume and an illusion that you own more hair than there really is.
You have to avoid completely the type of dye 2 or more color as highlight dying or dye fade. The difference in color is just making your hair look more prominent.
Also is like “showing off” your thin hair. You should choose colors to create a sense of hair thicker and abundant.
Know your face type
If you have a low amount of hair or you have very thin hair and you want to hide it, there are several things you must to keep in mind to get the right cut.
We have to take notice of the type of face we have, in order to make this change in look completely spot on. First of all, we have to know which type of face we have.
There are usually 7 types of face that are: Round Face, Oval Face, Square Face, Extended Face, Triangular Face, Inverted Triangular Face, and Face Day.
There are specifically seven possible ways in which the face of each person can be classified. Knowing the type of face that we have, is of vital importance for women.
Because of this it is possible to facilitate the makeup process, select earrings and more importantly, hairstyles and haircuts.
Now that you’ve identified the type of face you have, you should try one of those specifics hairstyles for your kind of face.
Round face amazing hairstyles for thin hair
This type of face usually has a totally curved contour, that is creating a circle. Usually it is not a perfect or definite circular shape.
Its most prominent part is usually in the area of the cheekbones or cheeks. In short, cheekbones somewhat wide, jaws of equal proportion.
The chin does not usually stand out much, because it is in if it defines the rounded face.One of the best solutions for thin hairis to wear a mane below the shoulders.
With layers and waves, like that one of Kate Bosworth, so it will look like you have more volume. Also, a great hairstyle for thin hairis the “banded fringe”.
If you have thin hair and also marked features, nothing like a banded fringe to disguise the less populated areas.
Such as the forehead, and a wavy and layered hair that gives more volume and movement to the hair. It is the ideal option for you to see yourself with an amazing look.
Beautiful hairstyles for long faced and thin haired women
The shape of this type of face as its name says is elongated. This means that both the bones of the jaw and those of the forehead are practically the same size.
They usually have a somewhat fine chin in relation to the part of the forehead. The most dominating part in this face is the forehead.
If you have a long face and a small amount of hair (thin hair), but you want to wear it long, you will have to work on it a bit.
The smooth hair here is not an option because it would leng then the features too much. What is needed in these cases is to give volume to the middle area of the mane.
And to make that illusion there’s nothing better than some waves. If you have long hair and don’t want to always use the curling iron, sleep with braids at night.
Something that can also add volume to your hair is to have loops in the middle area of your hair, which at the same time would help you balancing your elongated face.
Square Face hairstyles for thin hair
Its main features are a broad forehead and jaw. That is to say, that both the bones of the jaws and the bones of the forehead are practically proportional.
Take into account that the length of your face if it is larger than it can be called elongated face.
By contrast, if they are almost equal then you have a square face. This type of face usually has a somewhat strong jaw.
The features of this type of face are straight and regular. The jaws are usually pronounced and are angular. With a large forehead and bulky jaw.
This type of face is commonly characteristic of «Eastern girls».
The «Bob» cuts are ideal for all types of women, whatever their hair may be. If you have a very thin hair.
We recommend you use it with waves to give it movement and a slightly rebellious touch that will also make you look younger.
The fringes are also ideal for sparsely populated manes, because they can cover the frontal area, which is usually one of the scarcest.
Of course, the fringes should be light and long as not to have to cut too much hair and leave the rest depopulated.
This type of face usually has a harmonious and somewhat symmetrical shape. That is to say, this face is usually somewhat proportional.
As for cheekbones, chin and forehead, they are practically the same. If you have this type of face consider yourself lucky, this is the «ideal» form because of this.
This is the face that best fits the classic beauty canons, in other words, it is considered the most beautiful, clear, as long as the eyes, nose and lips are correctly located.
If your hair, in addition to thin, is smooth as a board (something quite common by the way), you can also wear a bob cut.
Yes, get styling products (a dry shampoo or a spray) that provide volume so it does not get too close to your head. Bringing the line aside is a good tactic.
To increase the volume of one of the sides of the head. The other one, better to take it picked up or behind the ear.
Oval Face hairstyles especially for thin hair
This type of face usually has a harmonious and somewhat symmetrical shape. That is to say, this face is usually somewhat proportional. As for cheekbones, chin and forehead.
They are practically the same. If you have this type of face consider yourself lucky, this is the «ideal» form, because of this, this is the face that best fits the classic beauty canons.
In other words, it is considered the most beautiful, clear, as long as the eyes, nose and lips are correctly located.
If your hair, in addition to thin, is smooth as a board (something quite common by the way), you can also wear a bob cut. Yes, get styling products (a dry shampoo or a spray) that provide volume
So it does not get too close to your head. Bringing the line aside is a good tactic to increase the volume of one of the sides of the head. The other one, better to take it picked up or behind the ear.
Other hairstyles for oval faces
The oval face has been defined over the years as «the perfect face» due to the ease it has when choosing hairstyle, haircut, makeup and even the design of the eyebrows.
All this is due to the fact that each one of the parts that make it up are proportional to each other.
That is why we want you to see others hairstyles for thin hair in this type of face. There is a hairstyle which is going to be one of the star cuts for this summer.
This is the most glamorous. For those who have fine or very thin hair, it is a good idea to leave the side tuft a little longer than the rest so that it attracts all the attention.
When it is time to comb it, it is advisable to dry it by cupping the roots so that it gains more volume.
The polished looks do not do you any favors because they do not want to favor you, so go for the disheveled, more current and that will help make you look younger, sexy and flirtatious.
Triangular face thin hair hairstyles
This type of face usually has a somewhat narrow front. Their jaws and cheeks are somewhat marked.
By having very sharp jaws this makes the chin not stand out in the least. In the part of the forehead it is usually less broad and narrower.
In short, this face narrows as it descends. If you want to wear long hair you can do it, but, as we have already said in other cuts, the layers are obligatory.
In this case it is vital to give volume to the root, for it, when you have it dry, air them with the cold air of the dryer and you will have a hair as spectacular as that of Nicole Kidman.
In the same way another ideal option for triangular or heart-shaped faces is the long bob, the same cut as before, but a little longer.
Here you can add waves if you feel like it or continue with the smooth board. Of course, the layers are essential again.
Hairstyles for short thin hair
Short hair has become a trend around recent years. If you have thin hair this is the specific style for you.
Most magazines and stylists say that the best way to make thin hair look bulky and thick is to give it a fantastic cut.
Next, you will see a series of hairstyles for this type of hair. If this is your case, pay close attention to the following.
Short hair is a great help when the texture or amount of your hair is low, one of the most recommended cuts is in layers.
Because this will give volume to your hair and create the illusion that you have more than you actually have.
Other important tip is that the messier or «wild» the hairstyle is, the better, as this will give volume and movement to your style.
Casual hairstyles for short thin hair
Let’s start with some hairstyles that you can easily do in your house, without the need to attend a hairdressing salon.
But if you prefer to go to a salon for making sure that your hairstyles get more excellent you can do it.
Surely the stylist will know how to effectively develop each one of the hairstyles that will be presented next, making you look extraordinary.
For the first one, as you can see in the picture, is a small bun that you can easily make. For this hairstyleyou will need a comb, some garters, hooks, and a bit of fixative to add volume.
The first step is to let your hair dry according to your preference, you can do it both outdoors and with a hair dryer.
If you do it in the second way you must take into account that the dryer must be at a not so high temperature, in order to avoid damaging your hair a lot.
When drying it with the outdoors this will not acquire as much volume as if you do it with the dryer, therefore for this case the second option is more recommendable.
After having dried your hair you must proceed to put everything together and begin to tousle it a bit with you brush, this will give volume and allow some waves to be created.
After doing this you must gather all your hair in a small ponytail, which you will turn and you will seal in your head with the hooks.
You should not give it importance if some hair escapes us, that is the essence of the hairstyle. As a final touch you will sprinkle some fixative so that it remains firm for your entire day.
On the other hand, if you want to leave part of your hair out of the bun (as you see in the picture), you simply have to split your hair in half and do the same procedure.
This will also make us look radiant and fresh all day. You should not forget to spray a little fixative on your hair so that it lasts longer.
Hairstyles like this create the illusion that you have more hair, which favors us, without forgetting that they give a tender touch to your look of the day.
Cute hairstyles for thin hair
We all want to rejuvenate with our haircuts or hairstyles. Braids in their different variants are hairstyles that never go out of style.
And we can adapt them to each occasion and each look. All women like braids and when you have short hair these are a secret weapon that you are always destined to use.
For this hairstyleyou will just need a comb, some garters and a few hooks.The length of the hair also plays an important role in the ability to braid.
For example, shorter hair is usually difficult to braid. Hairpins can be useful when you are braiding a short hair.
In the next hairstyle we will show you a beautiful braid which you can wear on one side of your hair, this can be affirmed with a little hook after being finished.
The other side of your hair you can leave it loose and create some waves with hair mousse. Also, you can use the braid on both sides of your head.
Depending on your preference. Having finished the braid try to dishear it a bit by opening it, so it will not look very tight and this will give volume to your hair.
Hairstyles for short thin hair for special events
For these special occasions we always seek to produce a little more, for this reason we bring you some of the best hairstyles of this year.
Your hair will look very beautiful because each one of these hairstyles will add volume and movement.
It should be noted that these hairstyles are amazing for your thin hair because they are not just cute, but also will be very easy to do.
The hairstyle that we can see in the image above is very easy to do, you will only need a curling iron.
Some hooks, some fixative and if you prefer you can use hair mousse to add volume, but remember that for thin hair less it’s more!
The first thing you must do is with the curling iron, to make small waves in the lower part of your hair it is important not to do them from the root since this.
Will give more ease to the hairstyle. As you can see in the image the girl is wearing an accessory, if you want to use it you can add it to the hairstyle, then add some fixative and that’s it.
Although thin hair is not recommended to be used smooth that doesn’t prohibit us from trying sometimes.
The only condition is that this isn’t completely straight because if that is the case it will look very simple.
You must be clear that when you’re trying new things with your hair you renew yourself and you get a little out of the routine. That is why we have brought this hairstyle.
Which has a particularity, which is that its tips are inward, which creates an illusion that you have much more hair and this favors us.
As it is a special occasion you can use heat machines, however, you should not abuse with the use of them. After you have washed your hair with the specific products.
That should be used for the care of this, it is recommended to let it dry in the open air, but if you need it to be fast then do it with a hairdryer.
Having done this should begin to straighten your hair, noting that at the tips should make a wave inward. Having already finished, you can split your hair in half and if you have a fringe it’s time to wear it!
Daily hairstyles for medium thin hair
The medium hair has a particularity, which is that not being so short or so long is at the perfect point, why? Simply because with it you can use both of the hairstyles.
For short hair and also for long hair. The hairstyle that you can see in the picture is a look for daily use, that is.
That this hairstyle can get us out of trouble when your hair is not cooperating at all.In addition to that, currently this type of hairstyles is an official trend.
As we mentioned earlier, the messier the better. It does not matter if it seems a little sloppy, this gives a cute wild and sexy touch that every woman needs.
You will only need a pigtail and some hooks. Before you make the ponytail you can add some hair mousse to your hair or styling cream, so this will give it a better shape.
You should not forget to remove some strands of the pony tail, since these are the ones that will give that untidy touch that we mentioned previously.
Braided hairstyles for thin hair
Certainly, one of the best allies for this type of hair (medium thin hair) are braids, as being so varied they allow us to create and innovate something different every day.
Usually these are generally very loose and messy, so, they give more weight to your hair.In this case the braid is a classic one, also called fish braid with the exception.
That it does not start from the root of the head but from the middle part of the hair. This is super loose and untidy,
Those types of hairstyles are usually worn with very cool and relaxed looks.
We continue with the fresh and messy hairstyles, in this group the bows come in, as the braids.They tend to be very versatile and can be worn in both moments.
Daily and for special events.This time we have a common bow.To make it you must make a pony tail.
Then you have to roll your hair and you will take it to the top of your head. Having finished this step you will cover the pigtail, with your own hair.
This will make the hairstyle chicer and it will give you more style. To keep everything firm you can use some hooks of the same color of your hair so that it is hardly noticeable.
“Messy but classy” hairstyles
The sparsely populated manes, will be very favored with that messy touch loaded with movement that give the layers. If, in addition to layers, you add a blunt effect to your cut.
The result will be much more modern and also easy to maintain. Wide waves, made with plates, are the ideal weapon to achieve it.
If you have fine hair or thinhair this look will be your best friend, not just will make you look beautiful and fresh, also at the same time it is very easy to do.
Therefore it will not take much time from your daily routine. And so without much effort you will look beautiful and radiant every day.
Cute hairstyles for weddings, graduations and holidays
As we said before, this type of hair (medium thin hair) has the privilege that it does not require the painstaking care of the other two types and it is very easy to look.
For hairstyles for it due to its length. This type of pins is perfect for special occasions, such as graduations and weddings.
Because they make you look young and beautiful without looking for much production and avoiding exaggeration.
To make this hairstyle you must start by splitting your hair, just that this time you should leave more hair on one side than on the other, after doing that.
You should start to make a French braid from the beginning of your hair until the end of this, you should make the braid a little tense so that it makes it firm.
At the end of making your braid try to open it a little so that it looks more voluminous, and then make a low bow with the same braid.
This should go from the side of your hair and you will wear it to the bow. To affirm and hold it place.
Some hooks of the same color of your hair, a little bit of fixative and ready, that’s how easy you finish this hairstyle.
Boxer braid with a simple bun
For this hairstyle youwill need two garters, some hooks, hair mousse (according to your preference) and some hair fixative. First of all, you should split your hair in half.
Then in the center of your hair you will divide two sections in which you will make a French braid in each one.
These should be very pressed and tensed so that the hairstyle stays firm. You will stop braiding where the hair comes out of your head.
And then you should hold the braids with a tie for each one.After this, with the hair that comes out of the braid, you should make a very simple little bun.
This should be very relaxed and without much pressure, so that it looks like you have more hair. To finish add some fixative to the braids and the bow.
Now, so that the hair that has not been previously collected does not look formless, you must take some hair mousse and begin to make small curls at the tips.
If your hair is very smooth and this option will not give you good results you can proceed to use a curling iron.
Hairstyles for long thin hair for every occasion
Long hair is one of the hair types that deserves more care, and even more if this hair besides being long is thin.
Around the world, many women want to have a long and silky hair, but for this they must take specific care, due to the hair grows on average.
Between 1 centimeter and 1.5 centimeters per month, so if you give it the care it deserves you will be able to achievethat long and beautiful hair that you always wanted it.
In a very quicktime. It is noteworthy that all hairstyles are good for this type of hair, no matter which hairstyle you think this hair will be good, this is an advantage,
Because you have more freedom to choose your hairstyles and your looks.Another point in favor is that the long hair is very striking.
Therefore, it will serve as a garment, so it is important that you always have it fixed up, because otherwise your look will be affected.
Fantastic braid
This hairstyle is very comfortable and easy to do to develop it you just need a tail and if you want to add volume to your hair you can put some hair mousse or styling cream
before doing the hairstyle, this will also help those annoying hairs are not so rowdy and it will prevent your look from looking grotesque.
First you must split your hair in half, and then you will divide three sections of the same thickness. In each of these sections you must begin to weave a French braid
That will go from the root to the end of that tuft, it should be noted that this must be done with each section. The only difference is that the middle braid.
Should not be woven with the rest of the hair, but should be loose. Having completed this procedure.
You must hold all the braids with the same tail and to give it a chic touch, with your own hair surrounding the ponytail to prevent it from being seen.
Then proceed to open the braids just a little so that will make that your hair takes more volume.
The perfect top braided knot
In this hairstyle you will combine a braid and a knot, but in a different way. This will give you a chic and unique touch that will make you notice among the other girls.
This hairstyle has the versatility to be used for all occasions, both that you can use it when you want, for special events and also for normal days.
For this hairstyle you will need two tails, a comb and some styling cream for your hair. The first thing you should do is add some styling cream to your hair.
Without exaggerating so that it does not look greasy and pasty. Then place your head down.
And start combing your hair in that way, having finished this step you must start to make a French braid, when you reach the middle of your hair you must stop braiding.
And hold everything with a tail.Then, that braid will join the rest of the hair with a tail and you will proceed to make the knot.
Having finished the bun, you just have to open a little bit the braid to give a little more volume to your hair and that’s it.
The importance of taking care of thin hair
Although you have thin hair you do not feel very lucky, with the previous article you will understand that no matter what kind of hair you have,
the important thing is how you use it. At this time there are millions of ways to benefit your hair and we hope that each one of the sections of this article have helped you
to understand and learn how to take care of it and even know what hairstyles can be used according to the type of hair you have.
If you liked this article and want to see more content like this, let us know in the comments section, also share it with your friends.
So if they have thin hair they can know how to take care of it and how to wear it with style.
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