1920s Hairstyles
The twenties were for sure marked by two important global events that were known as the WWI and the Great Depression in the first event was very marked by the many lives that were taken but the second one was the most important financial crash that happened in the USA.
1920’s was defined too by the rebellion that was in social and cultural levels because the people learnt that was more important to live the now without any fear. This rebellion started with the bootleggers who smuggled across state lines and with suffrage movement that was led by women that helped them to achieve the right to vote.
But the most remarkable rebellion between women was the radical change they made in their hairstyle. Women said goodbye to the long Victorian hairstyles and started to say “hello” to new short hairstyles.
This new hairstyle was called the Bob hairstyle this new 20’s haircut became the symbol of the new freedom, right, opportunities and options women had reached in that era.
In the 20’s the fact that a woman decided to cut her hair was a serious business, because a women that had a long hair hairstyle was considered feminine and the one who had a short haircut wasn’t feminine at all.
Most of the hair salon didn’t accept this haircut in fact the one who were in charge to bring this trend to women were the barbers who were armed with a good pair of scissors and shears. These women had nothing to fear because they were in expert hands.
Men in the other hand had some classical hairstyles that weren’t that revolutionary as women, also men try to get the idea to women that if they cut her hair they’d be rejected by all men without any hesitation.
The first woman who tried the bob haircut was Irene Castle who was a dancer in the year of 1915. This woman bring the idea to all the women who wanted to make a huge change to their life, also she inspired famous women to try and to experiment the change of his haircut.
Many Actresses said that women with this haircut were considered smarter than the ones who had it long and in those days in which women were fighting for their right was the best election for them.
Also this wonderful hairstyle was totally decorated with elaborate and very expensive jewelry on the top of their head, this was the secret to that feminine touch this hairstyle had.
In case you’ll like to try or to know the most relevant hairstyles for the 20’s keeps reading and find a 20’s hairstyle that you’d like to try.
1920’s Hairstyles for Women
As we said before women were the one that revolutionized this this decade with their hairstyles, of course, they had a lot of option even though they haven’t tried a bob.
Here you have option for short or long hair.
20’s Hairstyles for Long Hair
During the 20’s not all the women used short hair most of the women who weren’t brave enough had a Victorian hairstyle until the trend became popular and women weren’t afraid of it.
Mary Pickford’s Hairstyles
It wasn’t an easy job to get the bob hairstyle during the early 20’s because as we said before it was inadequate for women to use, many families around the world thought that this hair was used by masculine women.
Victorian and Edwardian parents didn’t agree with this hairstyle trend and the women who had a lot of social problems and didn’t try the haircut tried to emulate the Mary Pickford’s curls.
Like nowadays women used to have waist-length hair and they wanted to emulate Mary Pickford’s hairstyle, this actress interpreted characters that were youthful and beautiful, and she had her hair so long that she curled every part of her hair in thick and well-defined curls.
Women spent hours and hours of their days by curling their long hair to look very feminine and youthful and decorating it with beautiful and complex hats if you have long hair and have enough time you should try this curl and bring this hairstyle back into trend.
Faux Bob
This is for women who aren’t that sure of cutting al her hair but still wanted to give a try to the new hairstyle of the 20’s, it’s called Faux bob, Nervous bob or fake bob and as the name says it’s to fake a bob hairstyle without any fear.
It consisted in styling the hair in the lower part of the hair by doing braids and taking these braids and hiding them in the lower part of the head and securing them with the use of bobby pins this hairstyle emulated the normal bob without the part of cutting the hair.
This hairstyle was perfect for social events in which women wanted to be on trend but didn’t know yet if they wanted a short hairstyle.
Now if you are like these women that weren’t sure but you want to bring the 20’s back for a thematic party or a wedding give a chance to this hairstyle you’ll look completely stunning with them.
Earphone Hairstyle
No, the earphones hairstyle wasn’t an idea of Princess Leia from Star Wars actually was very popular during the 20’s, women took this hairstyle and appropriate option for the bod.
Women who had extremely conservative families found this hairstyle the excellent off-shoulder option to be on trend without the necessity to resort to scissors. This hairstyle extended during the early thirties.
The nickname for the hairstyle became from the idea that looked much alike as the earphones people who worked in a radio station used during those days.
Women who had extremely conservative families found this hairstyle the excellent off-shoulder option to be on trend without the necessity to resort to scissors. This hairstyle extended during the early thirties.
The nickname for the hairstyle became from the idea that looked much alike as the earphones people who worked in a radio station used during those days.
Of course, this hairstyle came back to life even more popular when Star Wars was released and is a good idea for you to use if you are geek or you want to use this hairstyle in a Halloween costume party.
20’s Hairstyles for Short Hair
You already know that the trend in hairstyles during this decade was the use of short hair between women, also that the most relevant hairstyle was the bob, but this hairstyle wasn’t the only one, there were several short hairstyle women used in the roaring twenties.
If you are interested in knowing which were the most popular hairstyle from the 20’s keep reading.
The Bob Hairstyle
Of course, we know this was the most popular hairstyle women used during 20’s this hairstyle was introduced to the American people by Irene Castle who was a professional dancer during those days; she first called this haircut “The Bob Castle”.
However, at begging this hairstyle wasn’t considered as a respectful haircut and only the young women, actresses and fashionable women wanted to try the new hairstyle.
The hairstyle consists in cutting all the hair at level of the jaw, also the haircut was done all straight and around the women head in order to frame the face of the woman, additional with this a fringe was left on the front.
There are several variations to the bob hairstyle it can be cut at the level of ears, below the ears or above shoulders.
If you want to be retro and want to give yourself a total change with your hair try this hairstyle, it became very popular during the last ten years and you’ll look stunning with this style.
The Shingle
This haircut was a variation of the bob, many of the short hairstyles are hybrids and mixtures of the bob and their different styles, was also known as the boyish hairstyle because it was very familiar to the hairstyle that men used.
The hairstyle consists in a tapered cut that goes down to back part of the neck and sometimes the hair on the neck was exposed by shaving it into a V shape and sometimes curls at the side of the head were added.
It was common to go several times to the barber shop in order to maintain this haircut and sometimes when the sides were too messy some women use hairspray or hair grips to control the side parts of the hair.
As the times passes by some modification were added to the hairstyle for example the use of fringes and the used of longer sides.
This hairstyle is totally stunning and the most recent variation is the pixie hairstyle that gives that boyish and sensual aura that every woman wants.
Eton Crop
This was for sure the shortest and the masculine hairstyle women could get during the roaring twenties is the most relevant and drastic variation to the bob hairstyle. This hairstyle got his name after the famous English School Eton.
The boys from this school used their hair slightly longer than the other school boys from the twenties, the hairstyle was made feminine by application of brilliantine which was a type of hair gel, this shine give the aura of an elegant hairstyle every woman wanted.
Eton Crop wasn’t a hairstyle that had long live during the twenties. The women who wore it had to be very confident and strong-willed because this hairstyle attracts a lot of press comments and was a subject of jokes and cartoons in the newspaper.
Many people thought the hairstyle was invented for women who wanted to be more masculine but in fact the idea of the Eton crop was to help the hair to easily fit under the cloche hats that were the most popular accessory during 20’s.
As you may notice this haircut was all sweet and seductive and was very popular between actresses and singers even though it hadn’t a long live in the American culture but nowadays is an excellent idea to innovate your style and be elegant as women in the 20’s.
1920’s Hairstyle for Men
During the 20’s men didn’t have much innovation about hairstyles, in fact during this decade men always used hat and the use of the hat was the example of a refined gentleman, the most significant hairstyle was he use of flat and shine hair.
All men had their hair short and flat so they could wear their hat without ruining their hairstyle, to stylize their hair they used a very old and expensive product called Brilliantine so they wouldn’t have to deal with the problem of their hair looking like a helmet when they took off their hats.
The most important things that defined a manly hairstyle were the medium length hair and the fact that men didn’t wear beards and they went several times to their barbers to shave their beards off.
During this last year the hairstyles from the 20’s are back, young men want to try a classy and retro hairstyles to be on trend again in case you want to know which were the most popular and give a chance to a classic hairstyle keep reading an you will find a hairstyle that fits you perfectly.
Slicked Back Hairstyle
In the 20’s existed two types of men the ones who could afford a short hairstyle or the ones who couldn’t, the one who couldn’t afford a short hairstyle only shaved the sides of their hair and left el upper part in a middle length.
With the middle length of about six inches that could reach the upper part of the hair without passing it they slicked back the hair with the help of the brilliantine which was a kind of oil-based hair gel or a cheaper petroleum jelly to stylize the hair.
This slicked back hairstyle in which the sides were shaved evolved to the today well known as “undercut” that is a total trend between young men since 2010’s because it brings back the classy and the masculine hairstyle from the past years, give a try and become retro.
Slick Top with Thick Sides
In case of some men who had thick and straight hair this was the best option in order to have an elegant hairstyle. This haircut wasn’t that traditional and only Hollywood actors tried this hairstyle and some of the fortunate working men who had a lot of hair.
This hairstyle was done by living a medium length large part in the top of the head and by shaving the sides a little bit, sometimes barbers used to cut the hair with a pair of scissors in order to avoid a mistake with the razor.
After this hairstyle was finished men stylized the haircut with use of brilliantine or gel hair and combing the hair to the back of their heads, while combing the hairstyle this tend to do it slightly to one side of the hair, so it would like a subtle pompadour.
This hairstyle is perfect for a retro costume party and for the regular use in an office in fact every man who wore this hairstyle will look handsome in any moment.
Classic Side Part
As the name says this was one of the classic hairstyles every man got when they went to the barbershop, this easy and stunning hairstyle was stylized by the use of gel and regularly combining it to a side of the head.
The barber shaves the sides of the head in medium length and a little bit long the upper part and by doing a well-defined line on one of the sides of the head.
This look will be flattering in you if you want to give to your look, a retro and easy to maintain haircut give a try if you are thinking a change.
1920’s Hairstyles for Boys
Boys in the twenties wanted to follow the steps of their fathers who were working men with a masculine hairstyle, between young boys it was common and trendy to wear a faded haircut because it gave to them a rebel spirit that was very common in a teenager.
Also, boys who went to a school for boys had a specific type of hairstyle as part of their uniform that gave them an aura of elegancy and masculinity that was much desired during those years.
If you want to try in your little boy or your young man a classic hairstyle that will make them look like a total gentleman keep reading and know about this flattering ideas.
Old School Center Part
This was the regular hairstyle between little boys or toddlers it was an easy hairstyle that any barber could do and make the boys who wore it look like a little angel in earth. The hairstyle was the most elegant option to any social event or birthday party.
The hairstyle consisted in shaving the hair of the little kid in a short length to it will be easy for the mother to stylized by combing it after that the barber or the mother later made a defined line with the comb in the middle of the head and when it’s finished they put a little bit of brilliantine on the head.
Also, this was the regular hairstyle that boys who went to school had as part of their uniform during the twenties, this way they’d look very similar and stylized as school boys.
This hairstyle is very vintage for little kids to try but is perfect for a costume party in which your handsome little man will look like a total gentleman.
Hard Shaved Side Part
The hairstyle more popular among teenagers or young boys was more like an act of rebellion against their parents than an actual regular hairstyle, of course after a couple years became a total trend between kids.
Once the teenager left the school or graduated and didn’t find an appropriate job they tried this hairstyle to look more youthful and recreate the aura of the bad boy in town so girls could easily fall for them.
Points was to emulate a slicked back hairstyle but in the part were the sides where slightly shave they tried a faded hairstyle giving as a result a very short sides that weren’t very common in the adult society.
Nowadays this hairstyle came back as faded undercut that gives a masculine aura very similar to the one those young kids gave in the twenties, if you want your little to wear this back on trend haircut do it for sure he’ll look amazing.
Faded Sides with Pompadour
This was a variation of the Hard-Shaved hairstyle, it was a hairstyle for adventurous boys who wanted to go against rules and wore an extra short hairstyle and ignoring the fact that the common use was wearing flat hairstyles what would look fantastic with the classic hats.
It was the favorite hairstyle for those working young men that worked in building constructions during the twenties, because it was an easy hairstyle that didn’t need too much maintenance and was easy to dry and to wash.
As many young boys had to work hard during the great depression they needed a hairstyle that was fresh and cheap so they cut all the hair and leave a little bit of hair in the upper part that after the cutting was combed in an upper side to make a pompadour.
This hairstyle is back between little boys because it makes them look very sweet and easy going.
1920’s Hairstyle for Girls
Girls as the princess of the house during the twenties wanted to be all feminine and youthful so they always wore long haired hairstyle to highlight the fact that they were little angels.
In fact, as we mentioned before it wasn’t a god idea for a woman to have her hair shot imagine in a little girl.
Long Haired Curls
As the name says little girls wore long and well-defined curls all along their hair so they’ll look totally feminine.
Today you can still do your little girls’ hair with a lot of curls and decorating it with bows and ribbons.
Earphone Hairstyle
Some little girls had their long hair stylized as the earphone for schools this maintained the hair all in its place and looked wonderful while this was decorated with a lot of bows.
Try this hairstyle in your little princess if you want her to look all retro for a costume party or for a school day.
We thank you for stay and read the whole article; we hope that was interesting and inspiring to you to try some 1920’s hairstyles.
If you enjoyed it please share with your friends, so more people get to know about this topic, we will bring you more articles like this very soon.
Thank you again and see you the next time.
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