Unprofessional Hairstyle
Sometimes we want to try some kind of hairstyle we have to think if the hairstyle is appropriate for our job in case you have one or you are looking for a job.
Also you have to start thinking that you are no longer a kid or a teenager and you must know which hairstyles are not for you.
This is very important in your professional life because your physical appearance says a lot of you and sometimes is the first impression you give your new boss or your current bossHow you stylized your hair and how you cut it could be the key between you and that job you are looking for, of course this doesn’t apply to every kind of job in fact this kind of unprofessional hairstyle influence office job.
In case you are interested or want to know which are the hairstyle should avoid when you are looking for a job or you are about to go to a job interview, keep reading this article and find out which is inappropriate for your job.
Unprofessional Hairstyle for Women with Long Hair
Is normal for a woman to have a desire of changing her hairstyle, but sometimes before you think in doing a new hairstyle you’ll have to decide if it’s good for your job or if it is going to represent to you a problem or an uncomfortable situation.
Here we show you some hairstyles for women that unprofessional and will give the wrong image of you to your bosses.
We know the dreadlocks are that kind of hairstyle that looks completely free spirit and recently has become a new trend, because it combines the spiritual and the fashion in one hairstyle.
People who use dreadlocks is aware that is a long process before you do your dreadlocks hairstyle, this hairstyle can be used by every kind of girl despite her type of hair but for sure there’s an specific kind of hair that can be easily dread.
The problem with this hairstyle is that is too free spirit and can give the appearance of an unkempt hairstyle that can be problematic if you are looking for a job, we recommend you that you should avoid the hairstyle.
The reason why we are recommending this to you is that if you get this type of hairstyle you will acquire the risk of being called unprofessional and you’ll be discarded from the job selection and you won’t get the job.
Dyed Hair Two Colors
Dyeing your hair is hard work if you are trying to dye in a bright and unusual colors, like green as an example, the thing is okay if you want to change your hairstyle and add some color to your hair, but sometimes it’s just too extreme and can represent a big problem for you.
The point of this hairstyle is that you combine two colors of hair one that should be natural or common and the other is brilliant and not exactly very discrete, in the case you decided to use this hairstyle you should ask your stylist because if you are careful enough you could damage your hair.
This hairstyle of course is beautiful but is not particularly adequate for an adult life in which you have a formal job, like working on an office, this will look very unprofessional on you in case you work in an office.
Another thing that can be influenced by this hairstyle is the election that you new boss could make if you go to a job interview, not many people will be sure about hiring a woman who wear an extreme hair color or hairstyle.
Bow Braided Hair
Of course, braids are always a good idea when you have to decide a hairstyle for work; the problem comes when the hairstyle is too ridiculous for job, by this we are not saying that you shouldn’t make this hairstyle ever.
In fact we are only saying that is kind of strange if you go to your office job with a braid that looks very uncommon or not appropriated.
In the case of this braids this are made from the back part of the hair and after that the braid goes up until the upper part of the hair, the hair that left in this hairstyle is tied in a bow style.
For sure this is a completely cool and sweet hairstyle to try in some determinate situations but not in a professional environment.
The problem with the hairstyle consists in that you shouldn’t wear it if you are going to a job interview, because it could give the image that you are not mature enough and maybe you couldn’t have enough experience for the job they are looking for.
Maybe this is not the case and you already have a job but it will be a little bit strange to your co-workers to arrive to you job and see you with two bows over your hair, this is something that will look very unprofessional on you.
So maybe you should try this hairstyle in another situation like a party and not in for your current job or your job interview, remember that everything has its time and its moment.
Side Shave for Long Hair
This hairstyle looks completely rad and amazing but sometimes is not an adequate hairstyle for job, as you may know this style consists in shaving one side of the head and leaving the other part of the hair completely long and stylish, this is for sure an extreme hairstyle and not everybody will try it.
In case you did it at some point we recommend you to cover the shaved part of your hair with the hair you have all long, but if you are thinking on doing this kind of hairstyle and you are waiting for a job interview, we should tell you to wait a little bit after getting this.
The reason is that is a very strange and showy hairstyle and sometimes it gives the wrong impression of you and will complicate things at your job interview, because not many bosses around the world will hire you if you have the half of your hair without hair or something similar.
For this we give you the advice of waiting a little bit before you make this hairstyle or not to doing it so visible and you’ll never have problems if your hair is long enough to be covered.
Unprofessional Hairstyle for Women with Short Hair
In the history is well known that the fact that women with short hair weren’t seen with good eyes, nowadays is very common to see women with pixie hairstyles or bob hairstyle but there are some variations that are very radical or strange that are not recommended in some environments.
Spiky Pompadour
Pompadour hairstyle is a very elegant hairstyle that can be perfectly used in different occasion especially at your work place, is a professional hairstyle that fits perfectly in the business environment.
But when the pompadour becomes a bad idea and an unprofessional hairstyle? The problem comes when the upper part of the hair is cut in spiky ends that give a total vibrant aura; of course, the spiky ends are not the problem.
The problem is when you stylized the spiky ends by trying to make a messy pompadour with spikes all around the crown; this sometimes can be flattering but in a job environment is highly not recommended.
Because it gives an aura of rebel that not many bosses are comfortable with.
Also, for some people is not very adequate to have a woman with a messy hair that works on an office, maybe they can think that you don’t know how to perform the work.
Mohawk Hairstyle
Besides this hairstyle is one of the most favorite hairstyles between some women is not always a good idea, at least for some specific jobs, the Mohawk consists in having the both sides of your head totally shaved and only leaving a single stripe of hair, this stripe must be in the center of the head.
The stripe must go from the center of the forehead until the back part of your head, between women there is not necessity of making a complete Mohawk in fact they sometimes try a faux Mohawk.
The mohawk as you can appreciate is one of the most extreme hairstyles that you can find during these years and even if it is very popular is not a good option if you are thinking into get in a enterprise.
Is very showy and look very unprofessional, of course if you are a free spirit and you are interested in having this hairstyle is a great idea, but keep on your mind that perhaps this could influence your future job.
Some women add an extra color to their mohawk this may highlight the hairstyle by making it a total stunning and rebel hairstyle, as we said before wearing this kind of hairstyle is not bad, but for some situations is not appropriated.
The combination of your hairstyle and the color of your hair could make the difference between get or not hired by a formal company, maybe the person who is going to interview you can have a wrong perception and may think you won’t take this job seriously.
So perhaps you should think very carefully if you are going to deal with the consequences of getting this hairstyle and you should be really careful because you have to keep in your mind that this could be the reason why you don’t get that job you want.
Pattern Side Shave
The side shave is always a good idea to deal with the density of the hair and sometimes it helps women who have thick hair, but there are times when women take the side shave too far and create at unprofessional hairstyle.
The thing with the pattern side shave is the patterns some women create to make the shave original, creating flowers or mandalas that give the aura of a free spirit girl who doesn’t care about the ideas that other people may have about her.
But in real case or in the moment these women are looking for a job this extreme hairstyle can represent a big problem, because the other hair that left is not long enough to be covered.
Dyed A-Line Hairstyle
This is a hairstyle that can be easily used in a normal way and it won’t be unprofessional at all, in fact is very trendy and casual an could fit perfectly in a normal day.
The problem with the hairstyle is when you try to add extra color to the hair by using extra colorful hair colors and some other things that can be too childish or rad for a job environment.
Colors like pink or blue are not recommended because they gave the appearance of a person who is not mature and also that they are not prepare for the responsibility of a formal job.
Another problem that this hairstyle can develop is the fact that is a hairstyle that needs a lot of maintenance and is necessary to go several times a month to the stylist to get the hair on point and sometimes when you are already in a job you don’t have enough time.
Unprofessional Hairstyle for Men
Is well known that not only women can wear unprofessional hairstyle, actually men can use a lot of hairstyle that are not appropriated for some jobs or for the task of getting a job.
Is common to think that the only way a man can have an unprofessional hairstyle is by letting his hair all long, but in fact this isn’t like this.
In case you are interested in knowing which these hairstyles are we present to you some ideas that you’ll want to avoid if you are trying to get a job.
Unprofessional Hairstyle for Men with Long Hair
As the same in women, a man can wear a dreadlock and is correct to say that it looks better on men and recently this hairstyle has become a trend among men, the most popular dreadlock is the one that are very long and contemporary.
Some people say that this hairstyle is more practical than leaving all the hair loose, but at the same time we have to tell you that this is not a pragmatic hairstyle or even a conventional one.
If you ignore the part of the allegedly practical hairstyle, we have to inform you that if you are a man and you have this hairstyle you can be in a big trouble if you are looking for a job.
The reason is because you can give the impression of a man who doesn’t care about anything, and this could be completely wrong, also this hairstyle has acquire the wrong stigma during the years by several things and aren’t involved with you.
So, in case you are looking for a job we recommend you avoid this hairstyle for a while.
Long Hair with Spiky Ends
This is a classical hairstyle between gothic man in fact they look very handsome with this hairstyle but as we are always saying there are times and situation in which this hairstyle is well seen, so not all the time this is a hairstyle that is appropriated. This hairstyle consists in having all the hair straight and long and in the ends must be cut in spiky ends and avoiding the fringes.
As we said this hairstyle should be avoided in case you are looking for a job, because in some offices is not well seen to have a man with long hair and also having an iron hair, so in we invite you to wait a little bit before you let all your hair long, because it could bring a lot of troubles to your life.
Side Shave with Long Hair
Maybe you have a medium or long hair and you want to make a radical change your hairstyle and perhaps you have thought about making a side shave that will also help you to control the volume of the hair.
But we have to advice you that do not try this unconventional hairstyle because it can be too showy to some situation for work and perhaps this could give you a lot of problem to your life especially if you are looking for a job.
Dyed Hair with Shaggy Hairstyle
This hairstyle gives a lot of volume to the regular hair and it can be highlighted by adding some vibrant colors such as pink or blue, this hairstyle is particularly showy, and it has a rebel vibe.
Of course this hairstyle is not for every situation in fact this hairstyle is not recommended for a job environment because is unprofessional.
Also, this hairstyle represents a non-mature attitude that some employers won’t like to have in their company and are not well seen in a business world, by any instance.
Unprofessional Hairstyle for Men with Short Hair
Even when men with short are better seen in the society we are nowadays there are some hairstyles that are short that aren’t well approved in the society and will give you some inconvenient during the process of being hired in a job.
Fanned Mohawk
We know this a variety of the regular mohawk, this hairstyle was mostly wearing by the puns during the seventies, the hairstyle consists in shaving the sides of your hair and leaving a strip that goes from the forehead to the end of the head exactly in the middle.
When you are about to stylize the hairstyle, you have to iron the hair going up and after that you must apply a lot of hairstyle, so your hair will be completely done, and it will look like a fan.
The idea in this case is to have a long spike mohawk, that look all rebel and amazing in the correct situation if it is not the case and you are in the adventure of picking a new job, we have to inform you that this is not the correct hairstyle.
Why? Because is to showy and rebel for an office employee and when you are in a view interview this could be really problematic because your physical appearance could influence the decision of the work you are applying for.
Pattern Side Shave
The side shave is a very popular idea among men because is a retro hairstyle that has its comeback during the current year, this has become a total trend and a new idea to have an elegant pompadour.
But this hairstyle has an unprofessional variation that is not well seen in the job environment this variation is the pattern hairstyle, you add a new and original hair pattern to the sides that you have already shaved.
The thing is that this hair pattern are a very extreme variation and they are not well seen during a job interview and it can be misunderstood, and you can be removed from the selection process for a job.
Buzzed Dyed Hair
This a hairstyle that in the beginning it reminds as a military hairstyle al buzzed and formal, that in normal cases there wouldn’t be any problem, but you can add a lot of personality to this formal and well seen hairstyle by dyeing the hair in bright colors.
Is a good hairstyle if you are free spirit and you are not interested enough in to get a formal job and you don’t care about that, but in case you are looking for a job or you are going to a job interview this kind of hairstyle should be avoided.
The reason is the big amount of personality the hairstyle has, this could bring the idea that you are unprofessional and you don’t mind about your job or you are not prepare for a responsibility.
So take a break and think if you want to do this to make a change in your life and put on risk your current job.
As you have seen you must be really careful by picking a hairstyle for your job because you must look as professional as you can, so try to avoid this kind showy hairstyle if you want a job without too much effort.
We thank you deeply for reading this article until the end, we hope that was helpful to you in order to get you some ideas about Unprofessional Hairstyles.
If you enjoyed it or liked it enough please share with your friends or family so more people get to know about the topic, we will bring you more articles like this very soon.
Thank you again read us the next time!
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