Curly hairstyles
If you have curly hair you have obviously heard the words “Your hair is so pretty! I wish I had it” not knowing that having curly hair is not just waking up with this amazing hair.
Actually, it takes just as much if not more time and care than any other hair type and should be treated with products and ways specifically for your hair type.
The good new here is that, if you are having a bad curly hair day, or if you just want to change your look a little then here we have some great looking hairstyles for curly hair.
But before actually talking about hairstyles let’s take a few moments to talk about how to take care of your curly hair. Healthy curly hair is achieved with a routine that stimulates the health of the hair, allowing it to keep curls looking strong, shiny and beautiful.
Avoiding the damage on your hair before actually having the damage can be a great example of what you should do, better safe than sorry, right?
Well, one way to do this is by combing your hair gently from the bottom up, meaning that your will start brushing your hair from the tips and gradually move towards the roots of the hair, making it easier for you to untangle your hair and causing less damage.
How to avoid damage in your hair?
Remember to comb your hair while it’s wet, most people recommend for you to comb it during your bath or shower at the moment of applying the hair conditioner.
That way your curly hair has something to help you detangle your curls easily, as well as combing with either a wide tooth comb or even your fingers!
Just don’t be too harsh on your hair.
Trimming regularly is a way of avoiding split ends. Relax, we are not telling you to chop more than an inch or two when trimming your hair, this process is actually to cut the very tips of your hair where split ends usually are.
This way you can totally be able to maintain a healthy looking and feeling hair, as well as maintaining your curls bouncy and beautiful.
Trimming will be each time less necessary with the less damage you cause, or the more you prevent.
Curly hair is known for being thirsty, or in other words, a dry type of hair.
That does not mean you should cover your hair with an extreme amount of hair products, just the right ones.
For example, a deep conditioner some time before washing your hair can make a huge difference.
As well as maintaining a little of conditioner on the tips of your hair after a shower to maintain them hydrated and looking perfect.
Oils are a great friend for dry hair types as they can not only add the hydration your hair need they can also give your hair extra nutrients, that way the curls can look even better.
Or even by just washing your hair less times a week, and using a sulfate free shampoo. If you have extremely dry hair (meaning that your hair creates zero or close to zero natural oils) you may not even need a shampoo.
It will not only dry your hair, but it is not needed to maintain your hair clean and looking the best it can look.
Don’t forget to take care of your hair from the heat, like, avoid applying heat on your hair even if you are blow drying your hair, it is always better if you blow it with natural or even cold air in order for you to not damage your hair.
Yeah, it can take longer in comparison of when you are blow drying it with heat, but it causes so much less damage.
Continuing with that thought; blow drying your hair can be better for your curly hair if you use a diffuser.
It will not only make your curls look bouncier and with more volume, but it will also make your hair less frizz looking, as what the diffuser does is drying your hair without moving it all over around causing more tangles and your curls to separate
A diffuser can be your best friend.
Although if you’re not a friend of blow drying your hair then try drying it with an old t-shirt or a microfiber towel, they will dry your hair without being too harsh on it.
All in all, having curly hair is more of a full-time job than what most people believe.
Most curly haired people can relate to the struggle of avoiding that any not curly haired person touching our hair and making it have more frizz and mess up the curls you already have.
But curly hair is not only bad things and avoiding messing over the hair, actually, we believe that curly hair is a great hairstyle for you (if you don’t have natural curls) when you want to have a pretty looking easy hair, you can literally wake up, stand up and have the hair looking amazingly, if you did all the treatment the night before.
Maybe you can add a little extra step of adding a little volume by teasing the roots with your hands, but it will give you an amazingly looking hair with easy.
Hairstyles you can totally apply on to your curly hair to make it look great or have a little change of look.
Although we have told you how great curly hair is for a quick and easy looking hair even when waking up in the morning, but that does not imply that you are not going to be able to pull off some nice looking hairstyles or up dos with your curly hair.
This said, you can technically apply any hairstyle you can apply on straight or wavy hair, although that doesn’t mean it is going to look the same or that you should, as straight hair acts different than curly or kinky hair.
Here we are to let you know what hairstyle can look amazing on your curly hair and how to do them:
Curly bangs
We know what you are probably thinking and that is that bangs don’t look good while being in curls, but who actually said that?
Your curly hair can look completely cool with bangs!
This can mean great news for you if you have always wanted to have bangs but didn’t dare to have them either because of the possible damage you could make to your hair by straightening it constantly or because of the difference in texture.
To achieve this curly hair hairstyle all you need to do is go to a hairstylist and ask them for some curly bangs, as simple as that.
But make sure you are asking for help to a stylist that knows about curly hair, its needs and how it behaves so they can give you the best look you could have.
On the other hand, if you are thinking about doing this hairstyle at home, we recommend for you to be completely sure about this and for you to proceed with care, as like with any other haircut, it can end up looking bad.
Cutting curly bangs at home should be easier with dry and natural hair to make sure you are cutting each curl at the correct length, it should be as every curl has its own life and growing pattern.
This haircut is a great idea for you if what you are looking for a cute and easy hairstyle without so much complications and the best part is that when actually doing a hairstyle on your hair like a braid, a bun or any other you will have the option of tying up the bangs with it or leaving them where the naturally fall on your face to make the hairstyle more yours.
Short haircut
Contrary to what most people may believe, you can cut your curly hair at a short length and it won’t look weird or strange because of its volume.
Actually, it could even help the shape of your face, if you have a thin or long head you this haircut can balance it out and make it look with more width and balanced.
You can have your curly hair at the length you want it to, but if you decide going for the short haired look you can ask your stylist what haircut would fit you the best or if what the look you have in mind will look good on you and the shape of your face.
A bob cut can totally work with your curly hair, it will allow you to have your wild and fabulous curls but without any extreme shortness of length, you can have your curls at the same height than your chin, or maybe if you want it at an even shorter length at the height of your ears.
Remember to make sure that your hair stylist knows how to work with curly hair as it is different than working with straight or even wavy hair, you can make a research online instead of going around through every hair salon asking if they have someone who knows how to work with curly hair.
But if instead you are looking for a shorter look you can ask your stylist for an undercut, meaning that the sides and back of your hair is shorter, buzzed even, that the hair at the top of your head.
Keep in mind that communication is key when going to your hairstylist, by this we mean that if you have zero idea of how to let them know how you want your hair to be cut, or styled then you can look on the internet for looks and styles you would like on your curly hair and show them to your stylist so they know exactly what to do, or maybe if you don’t find a photo that looks exactly how you want it to, look for ones that are as close as possible and explain what do you want different.
Ponytails can be the perfect solution for you.
Pony tails can be the perfect solution for you, they have such a wide arrange of options and varieties that they can not only work with any hair length and type but they can also work for almost any occasion that can come to mind.
A very known and beautiful look for a curly hair ponytail is the sliced back ponytail. It consists on tying all the hair back in a low and tight pony tail, leaving the front of the hair straight – usually with hair gel – allowing a nice contrast between the curls at the back, or side, of your head and the straightness of the rest
You can also create a nice high ponytail if you have looser curls, to let them hang and wave around while you move. If you have shorter hair the high ponytail can look very nice, some people call it the “pineapple” pony tail as it has a resemblance to a pineapple, with the hair on top and the sides tightly pulled towards the ponytail.
Braid it!
The best thing we can think about when we think about braids, besides that they are one (if not the one) hairstyle that can work with any type of hair as well as any hair length, this includes long hair, short hair and even medium length hair.
Braids are the most common and easy way to make a hairstyle out of your hair!
The best part of it all is that there is not only one way of braiding, or one direction you can do it in.
Actually, braids are one thing that you can add to almost any other hairstyle you can think about!
They consist on tucking in every hair strand and not leaven any hair hanging loose, and that is where the protective part comes in.
An easy and quick way of doing a protective hairstyle for curly hair is to do double braids!
They are very god looking and easy to apply on any hair type, leaving you with two beautiful braids that will not only protect your hair but leave you with an astonishingly beautiful looking hair.
You may be wondering how to do this hairstyle;
- Part your hair down the middle of the head in a straight line, going all the way from your face to the very back of your head.
- Untangle and prepare one of the sides of your head, applying the hair products you seem needed both for the care of your hair as well as maintaining a nice looking style.
- Once you are sure your hair is perfectly untangled and ready to braid you should start by separating a very small section of hair near your hair line and divide it into three parts, then you can start braiding.
- This step is not needed if you already know how to braid, but if you don’t; You simply overlap each of the three sections you divided in the last step, one section at a time. Remember that for Dutch braids the middle section will go over the sections at the sides.
- The side sections you will move to the middle position at least once before adding more hair to the outside strands; the middle section is the one you are going to overlap over this section and then you’ll repeat with the other strands.
- Make sure to braid your hair to the itty bitty tiniest ends and then secure it with a thin hair tie.
Make sure you are pulling as tight as you can on your hair to maintain the hair at the place it should be, this does not mean that you should pull so tight that it hurts, but you should totally try to go as tight as possible as long as it does not harm you in any way.
Another little secret to having better braid results is finger combing your hair sections as you braid them, that way you will be able to have the least possible amount of fly aways or straight hairs.
If one or two braids are no enough for you, you can totally try with 3 braids!
Although the 3 braided hairstyle is only for long or medium (leaning more towards the longer side) length hair, it is still a really beautiful hairstyle for you when looking for something different and original look by just adding one braid to the mix.
The look it’s not as popular as other hairstyles you may find but we assure you that it fits well with almost any face shape you can think about.
It consists on the same basis of the double braids we talked about before but adding just one more braid onto the mix.
Here’s how to do it in 6 simple steps:
- Before starting any hairstyle on your curly hair remember the easiest thing for you if you are going to braid or something alike do it with your hair wet or damp and apply a little bit of moisturizer to avoid extra frizz.
- Divide your hair in 3 parts, we recommend for you to divide a middle part and two side ones. That way you will have a braid on the top and one at each side of the head.
- Twist braid the two braids you are going to braid at last in order to maintain the moisture and avoid for it to dry while you are working with the rest of the hair strands.
- Start by braiding the hair piece on the top of your hair, you can use whatever braiding technique you like, but if you are doing this to enhance your curls once you let your hair loose then try not to do the fishtail as it will leave your hair with more of a zig zag look instead of waves/curls.
- Braid the hair by adding a strand of hair each time you are going to move the outer strand of hair towards the middle, the smaller the strands the more curls you are going to end up with.
- Repeat the same procedure with the other two sections of hair at the sides of your head, and voilá, you are done.
You can even tie the ends of the braids onto a bun if you don’t really like the way it looks when they are loose.
Buns can be more versatile than you may even think.
Many have the believe or the thought that a bun it’s just something they can do when doing a shore, working out or something that just needs to have they hair up and out of their face and miss out on the opportunities that a simple bun can offer you if you are in a hurry and in need of a cute hairstyle.
Buns may be one of the cutest and easiest up dos you can do with your hair; they work with not only any type of hair or any hair length but they can also work for any occasion, all up from an everyday look (even for those lazy days where you only lay in bed watching movies) to a special or formal occasion, buns are a great solution for your curly hair hairstyle!
A simple or single bun can be a great solution for you if you just want to have a simple but cute hairstyle on your curly hair, or even the first option that comes to mind to just move the hair out of your face when doing something else.
But the truth is that this easy hairstyle can become a look for any, and we mean any, look you can think about.
Trying to fancy it up? Go for a bun at the nape of your head.
An everyday look? Try one of the hundreds of ways to tie up a bun, like the top knot.
An even fancier event like a wedding? Add hair accessories to make your curls stand out even more.
There are really no limits when it comes to buns on your curly hair, you can even mold it to be as big or small as you want it to be! You just need to get thinking and practicing to get the perfect bun for the occasion!
Double buns can be the perfect solution for you if you are looking for something easy but a little bit more original.
Although this look it is not as versatile as the single bun one you can still use it for a casual and even a semi-formal look if you are brave enough.
The best thing about this look is that it has no rules, your curly hair can be pulled back tightly as to make your hair seem straight, or pulled back loosely to let your curls stand out even more.
Just like with any other curly hair hairstyle you can leave some loose hairs strands to add some definition to your face and to even frame it, this way you can also add a messy but refined look, making it look as if you take just enough time fixing your hair up.
Tie half of your curly hair up in a way to tie your hair up but leaving your curls free and moving.
Sometimes, there is nothing that works better than picking your curly hair up and leaving it flow down free and bouncy at the same time than a half up half down hairstyle is the best way to get the best of both worlds!
Not only that, but this hairstyle works for short, medium and long hair.
A half up hairstyle for curly hair consists on tying, pinning or braiding a part of your hair up, usually the top part, and leaving the rest hanging down naturally in order to allow the hair to have a mixture of both these looks.
Just like any of the hairstyles we have talked about before, you can do this in a matter of minutes if you are going for a simple look.
You just need to pick which of them you want to apply to half of your hair and all you have left to do is actually doing it with your hair.
Make sure you know how much hair you want to put up. You can ty back just a little piece of hair at the top of your hair all the way towards trying, quite literally, half of your hair up by tying all the hair that is higher than your ears, or maybe try something in between.
The important thing here is for you to have fun and try new things when you are looking for a half up hairstyle for your curly hair. We are serious, have fun!
Try things you may think look good, or maybe something that you think would look ridiculous would look good on you, and if it doesn’t then you have a funny picture for your friends!
Buns, braids, and ponytails are just some of the things you can do on your curly hair.
You can even just grab two pieces of hair and tie them together at the back of your hair and you will have an amazingly looking hair that you can do in less than five minutes.
Curly hairstyles for men
We didn’t forget about you! Curly haired men can totally pull out curly hair hairstyles, sometimes even better than some women.
All you have to do to find the best hairstyle for you is to look online for a hairstyle that you think would look good on you, or you can just simply ask your hairstylist for what fits your face shape and type the best.
If you have a hairstyle on mind you can look for pictures on the internet for the look and then show it to the barber so there’s no problem nor misunderstanding at the moment of explaining what you want to have on your hair.
With curly hair, you can do any haircut you can apply on any other hair type, even a buzz cut.
The only problem with this is that your curls won’t be noticeable, and it will look just like any other person with a buzz cut, so the better option for you if you want to enhance your curls is to leave at least one part of your hair long enough to show them.
Faded haircut
If you are looking for a short hair curly hairstyle you can totally try the faded haircut. This one is achieved by buzzing at a very short length the hair at the sides and back of the head and leaving the rest of the hair – ergo the hair at the top of the head – longer and having a faded or increasing length of hair, so your curls can have the highlight of the hairstyle.
This hairstyle technique can be merged and applied with any other hairstyle to make it look even better, that is one of our favorite things about this hairstyle.
This and that it works with any head shape, it doesn’t matter if it is a square of round shape, it will look amazing with this curly haircut.
How to do this hairstyle:
- The first step for this hairstyle is to decide at what height you want the fade to begin at. The common range is between just above the ears and at the height of the temple.
- Once you have decided where you want the fade to begin, you need to trim and cut the hair at the top of the head at the length you want it to be.
- Now it’s time for you to start the fading. This is achieved by gradually changing the clippers of the shaving machine each time shorter the more you go down.
- Go over the faded part checking to see if everything is the way you want it to be. Be careful with ‘fixing mistakes’ too much, it can be more damaging than good for you.
- Make sure the fading is done smoothly and carefully as mistakes can be noticeable in these parts.
Try a pompadour haircut
A pompadour hairstyle is similar to the known “flat top” hairstyle (in which the hair is cut in a way to make the top of the hair a flat surface) but this one doesn’t have the flat surface on top of the head, here the hair is styled mostly towards the back of the head or let to flow naturally.
This street style haircut can provide gentlemen with a simple and perfectly defined dimensions complimenting and emphasizing the shape of your face, here it doesn’t matter if you have a squared, rounded or heart like head shape, you will look like a king.
Steps on how to reach this hairstyle:
- The hair at the top of the head should be cut at the desired length.
- Buzz the sides of your head, you can use the fading technique aforementioned if you want.
- Style your hair the way you want it to be, you can either use hair wax or hair gel, although if your hair is curlier than wavy, then you should leave it in its natural state, and that will be more than enough.
For longer hair
For longer hair, a man bun can look even better than what you think.
Buns, they are usually believing to be only for girls, but if we go to that case, then long hair is also supposed to be only for girls.
What we mean with this is that just because it is common for girls it does not mean that guys can’t wear it.
Love it or hate it, this hairstyle for curly hair has become quite popular among the long-haired men around the world. It’s not just simple and easy to do it also does not need a crazy amount of hair products and can style and tame your mane.
Perfect for fancier events, no woman will be able to resist you when wearing this look, whether you are wearing a suit or a simple button up.
One of the biggest perks about this look is that it has so many variations and possibilities that finding one that works good for you will be as easy as having a little of imagination.
The bun can be placed anywhere on your head, whether you want it on top, half way or at the nape of your neck.
Achieving this look is easy if you follow this steps:
- Make sure your hair is prepped, at least make sure that you have it brushed and damp to be able to easily maneuver with your curls.
- Now it’s time to learn how to bun; gather your hair into a ponytail.
- The trick to create the bun comes when tying the hair. Wrap your hairband around the ponytail and twist it once. Once you have your hairband wrapped twice around your hair it has come time to create the bun, simply start passing the hair through the ponytail once more, but stop once half your hair has passed in order to create a loop.
As mentioned before this hairstyle has plenty of ways of being made so you can totally make it your own, maybe making it a messy bun, or something more of your own style.
A half up man bun
A half up man bun is also a great idea.
This hairstyle can be perfect either for long-haired or medium-length haired men.
It is a great idea to tame your curls but without removing its wild look, as well as a great solution for taking the hair away from your face without taking your lengthy lock away from you.
Tips to make your hairstyle last longer
Making you hairstyle last longer can be useful if you are going to be outside for the whole day either working, studying or even just hanging out with friends, or if you are going to go out all night to the club or a party and, let’s be honest, no one likes paying attention to their hair all the time instead of having fun and enjoying your time.
A good hairstyle will always begin with good care of the hair, so if you take care wrongly of your curly hair or if you don’t even take care of it there is a big possibility for you to not have a long lasting hairstyle, we could even dare to say that reaching the wanted hairstyle can be a harder task for you than for someone who does take care of their hair.
Besides the care of the hair there are of course another factors that can affect how long your curly hairstyles last.
The first of these factors is making sure everything is secured in place, this step is important for every hairstyle as it will assure you that it will last as long as you want it to.
The most known and used way is to cross the hair pins, placing them in a cross like shape.
Hairspray can be your friend.
Although it’s not really recommended for curly hair as it can dry it, you can use it every once in a while, to make sure your hairstyle last as long as it can.
Another secret can be to use hair gel, this hair product is used for tight and pulled back looks, you can even use it for braids to make sure there will be no stray hairs on the end look.
On the other hand, the biggest and best secret we can share with you are the messy hairstyles.
As they are meant to be messy and, as they are from the beginning if they become messier as the time goes by you it can even add to the look!
Thanks for reading!
Don’t forget to keep reading our posts and if you liked it, make sure to share with your friends and family to let them know how to have the best results when they have a change of look.
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