African American Hairstyles
If there is something African American should be thankful for, is definitely the fact that most of them were blessed with those savage natural curls and jet-black hair in which the most stunning hairstyles can be performed.
African American hairstyles have become in a source of inspiration for women all around the world thanks to their killer and unique style, variation and originality. Through years, African American hairstyles have made their path into the world of fashion and they’re only here to stay.
Looking back to their glory days, we surely must mention influent celebrities from Whitney Houston,through Jada Pikett Smith to Beyoncé. Not only these ladies have causedsensation with their repertory of African American hairstyles,but also many other women who have adopted them.
African American Hairstyles for Women
As it is known, african American women run with the benefit of their skin’s color which, of course, comes very useful at the moment of playing around with the different choices African American hairstyles have to offer, as their complexion plays a relevant role when picking a hairstyle.
For example, a softer blonde or darkened colors like fuchsia or blue create an impeccable contrast between a woman’s face and her hair, all of it in order to create a stylish balance.
There are so many different ways and forms an african American hairstyle can work that possibilities are almost endless; however, if you still are not that acquainted with these kinds of hairstyles here we show you some of the main african American hairstyles:
African American Hairstyles Curly
Although we are well aware of how difficult curly hair can be to handle sometimes, living with the privilege of having curly hair is incredibly awesome. Curls have a magnificent way to outstand your features, they provide style and a touch of messiness along with originality.
Currently, a fair amount of African American hairstylesare ruling the worldbecause of the use of curls and how most women are learning to take profit out of it in order to embrace their femininity.
Though every girl can rock curly hair the way they like, we must admit that when performed in African American women it almost resembles to old African goddesses. That is why here we are going toshow you some pretty cool hairstyles for you to perform if you have curly hair:
Curly Bangs
Probably you were thinking that curls are an impediment to rock bangs. but who said that? This African American hairstyledoes a fantastic job at creating a beautiful silhouette with your curls, and represents a slight change of look.
It is not necessary to straight constantly your hair in order to create the bang (which will cause a hard difference of texture) as It can be achieved only by heading yourself into a hair stylist that knows how to style curly hair and can handle hairstyles like this one.
On the other hand, if you are thinking about doing thisAfrican American hairstyle at home, we recommend for you to be completely sure about this and for you to proceed with care, as like with any other haircut, it can end up looking bad.
Cutting curly bangs at home should be easier with dry and natural hair to make sure you are cutting each curl at the correct length, it should be as every curl has its own life and growing pattern.
How could we talk about lots of African American hairstyles without mentioning pony tails? Though (as already mentioned) curls come along with several advantages and among them: a sophisticated kind of beauty, we must admit sometimes a different hairstyle is good for a change.
A lot of women believe that curly hair is so untamed that there is no way it can work with a hairstyle like this, but pony tails happen to work along curly hair even better than when it does with straight hair as the tail itself gets to be more voluminous and with more body to achieve texture.
A very known and beautiful African American hairstyle is the sliced back ponytail:
It consists on tying all the hair back in a low and tight pony tail, leaving the front of the hair straight – usually with hair gel – allowing a nice contrast between the curls at the back, or side, of your head and the straightness of the rest.
This African American hairstyleis very accurate for both more formal events and casual occasions, you just have to choose the right outfit and the hairstyle itself would drag everyone’s attention.
Curly and Braids
The best thing we can think about when talking about braids, besides that they are one (if not the one) hairstyle that can work with any type of hair as well as any hair length, this includes long hair, short hair and even medium length hair.
Braids are the most common and easy way to make a hairstyle out of your hair!
The best part of it all is that there is not only one way of braiding, or one direction you can do it in.
Actually, they are one thing that you can add to almost any other hairstyle you can think about!
That is why we can’t lose the chance of trying on some African American hairstyle that include braids (specially with curly hair).
A good example of that would be the half-crown curly ponytail.
This African American hairstyle is the perfect balance and combination of curls and braids, wealreadyknow they work independently just fine but when put together create one of the most gorgeous hairstyle’s effects.
Plus, the braid-crown can oscillate according to the one you like the most or fits better for the occasion and, of course, the outfit.
We recommend a double-regular braid, a french or a dutch braid and finally, a fishtail braid; there is no way this African American hairstyle could look wrong with these options, so don’t lose your chance and try it on.
African American Hairstyles for Straight Hair
It has been established so far how savage and flawless African American hairstyles with curls can make you look, but what about those hairs that also enjoy from the steadiness, softness and style that straight hair provides?
There are a lot of women that prefer straight hair than curls or waves for many reasons, maybe the number of hairstyles that could be performed with this hair’s texture in particular are easier to get done and even tend to be less difficult to handle (which comes extremely handy on those rushed mornings).
Nevertheless, even when there are several African American hairstyles’ options for you to perform on your hair, perhaps you haven’t found the one hairstyle that fits your face’s shape or your personal style, so here we are for you to lend our aid in this task.
Corn rows
As women, it is completely normal to feel this need for switching things a little bit in order to change looks or styles (especially when owning straight hair as usually looks too tamed). This is just one of the reasons why corn rows can be the African American hairstyle you were looking for.
They are sassy, inspiring and incredibly badass hairstyle that creates a beautiful contrast between them and your straight hair’s texture. To mix them with a high ponytail or a half bun will be the perfect match.
Finally, remember that a good braider can figure out different corn rows designs, this will elevate the African American hairstyle to another level.
Long Undercut
Here we have an African American hairstyle that is popularly known for having the best of both worlds. Undercuts not only profit the asymmetrical shape of your face but also provide an air of mystery: when the hair is shorter on one side, you will never know what is hiding underneath.
This hairstyle is one of the most accurate representations of the “express yourself” words, let’s not forget to mention the fact that nowadays are hundreds of possible different designs for the undercut area so there is no way this African American hairstyle can fail with your straight hair.
Smooth Ponytail
How could we get over ponytails? A big part of African American hairstyles are conformed by ponytails but this one is simply remarkable.
Though it does not look like much, this smooth ponytail can be your life savior when you just don’t know what to do with your hair; you are in a rush and are sick of regular ponytails. Well, this hairstyle gets to be the solution.
Another bright side from it, is how incredibly easy is to get done; and, if you can’t get enough from this gorgeous effect, continue adding elastics all along the ponytail until you transform it into a bubble ponytail!
African American Hairstyles for Girls
If you have the privilege of having a precious little girl within your life, you are probably well aware of how important hairstyles are for them sometimes. Plus, we get to be a part of the daily hairstyle’s choice before they grow up and get to decide it all by themselves.
With African American hairstyles for girls, we should remember that these hairstyles’ rootscome from very thick and curly hair to kinky texture that is definitely not so easy to handle.
And though the most common solution to style little girls with these kind of hair are just to cut it short or have it braided, here we introduce you some different ideas so your little princess can express her individuality:
Half-Bun Hair
It is undeniably true that buns have taken over a big part of African American hairstyles, they’ve been employed in so many different hair textures, sizes and shapes. So, we assure you that if you try this hairstyle on your little girl’s hair she will definitely outstand.
This hairstyle works even better for girls who have curly hair as the rest of hair that’s not in the bun will create a great body and silhouette. Besides, it is not tricky at all:
Divide the girl’s front hair in order to make a section apart from the rest, grabbing the large strand of hair roll it around itself until you create the bun, you can secure it with an elastic or bobby pins.
Just one of the best African American hairstyles!
An African American hairstyle like this is what we refer to when say that having curly hair has way more benefits than cons. Like, “who hasn’t tried pigtails before, right?” the difference here is that thanks to the volume and texture curly hair provides, the hairstyle turns into a whole new style.
It will take some work though, but It’s absolutely worth to try this classic hairstyle on your little angel’s hair.
Braids for Long Hair
As mentioned before, there is no way braids won’t be an essential part of African American hairstyles.
They are so characteristic not only because of their background history but also because one way or another, they are stylish.
Although getting this African American hairstyle will take a little bit longer than others, let’s not forget that you and your girl will be able to perform regular hairstyles but with the particular style braids provide.
Nevertheless, keep in mind that braided hairstyles like this require more special care than others; here we leave you a list of some tips for you and your little girl take care of this African American hairstyle:
Set a Time Limit: You must be careful with this, if braids are left on for too much time your scalp can be the one paying the consequences. This hairstyle should only last from 4 to 6 weeks, however, make sure to do a retouch when they turn the 3 weeks by applying some water on your scalp.
Protect Your Hair at Night: You must remember to wrap around themselves your braids in order to keep them from tearing apart or get frizzy. Another available technique is to cover up with a scarf during the whole night so they will keep in place.
Dry your braids before Styling: Although we encourage you to keep your braids and scalp moisturized so they will last longer, it is extremely relevant to get them dry before you style, wet braids are not viable to handle as they could cause several unpleasant scalp breakage and problems.
African American Hairstyles for Men
African American hairstyles for men have experimented several changes and alterations since their first appearance back in 1960, however, there is no doubt that it was all for good.
Anyway, sometimes even when you want to dive into the African American hairstyle’s world, you probably don’t know what they are up to for this year’s trends or just want to figure out which one fits you better, either way, we are here to help!
Here we introduce you some of the most trending African American hairstyles that you could try on 2018:
Fade haircuts
Fades have been killing it when African American hairstyles is about, men from all different razes, shapes and cultures have gotten hypnotized by their characteristic chic finish of gradual hair along with the rest of hair’s length to play with the forms and hairstyles to be performed.
Curly Top Fade
For example, this hairstyle in particular it’s a good proof of that. As same as women, African American men’s hair tend to be curlier than the rest; this, of course it’s very profitable at the moment of combine it with the fade technique, takes a little extra work but the result is worth it.
Wavy Low Fade
This hairstyle in special works as a combination of the smooth waves and short shaved along with the fade haircut, it looks awesome on men with rounder faces, plus, if you add the fade technique to the beard, there is no room for failure!
Temple and Nape Fade
If you are more of a man that prefers to wait until his hair is longer enough in order to have a wider range of hairstyles to try on, you should totally consider this African American hairstyle as an option.
This is basically the best of both worlds, you get to show off a subtle fade with some top voluminous curls, a very good thing about it is that you can play around with the hairstyle’s body to adapt it to your personal tastes.
Frohawks have become in a classic of African American hairstyles through years thanks to their easiness to work so well with this hairstyle’s body. It looks very good when owning curly or wider ringlets.
Just make sure to keep the balance between the fade side parts and the amount of hair you’ll be leaving on top.
Classic Smooth Hawk
Whether you’re still new when frowhawks refers to or you’re just trying to get out of your comfort zone, this African American hairstyle is the one for you.
It’s classy, smooth and timeless which will definitely make it easier when rushed mornings arrive and you must get ready on time.
This hairstyle will make everything to look neat and clean appealing a total gentleman.
Leopard Spots Faded
Another trendy frohawk hairstyle should probably be this one. Lots of men prefer to add some extra spice to their regular hairstyles by using hair dyer on their hair.
This one in particular only has it on their tips and though it is a standard color, still can outstand.
Hairstyles for Men with Long Hair
For those men who are willing to patiently wait until their hair is long enough to perform some stunning African American hairstyles this should definitely be an acknowledgment.
Long hair has infinite advantages and possibilities (not to mention how handsome and fierce makes you look) but if you’ve run out of ideas on how styling it take a look at these hairstyles to get some inspiration:
High Bun
This African American hairstyle has become very popular among men with long hair, is an easy and comfortable way to style, it characterizes by an urban air and will drive women crazy.
Long Natural Afro
Who said long afros were old-fashioned? It’s not hard to provide a good care when you are able to keep it conditioned and neat.
This African American hairstyle has a vintage look and works nicely for almost any kind of curl’s texture.
Long Micro Dreads
Dreads are still a thing, and if your hair is long enough to do them then don’t be afraid on trying this hairstyle.
Find the right hair stylist to perform them on your hair, afterwards it is your responsibility to keep them clean and moisturized.
African American Hairstyles for Boys
It’s never easy to choose the one and only hairstyle that will make our little man shine the most as they should rock a style that lets them feel and look good as much as should be enjoyable in order to let them be kids.
These are a few options for you and your little man decide which African American hairstyle to try later:
Short Fade
We have to admit that most of times little boys want to copy their father’s hairstyles and the short fade is not the exception, this African American hairstyle is perfect to provide style and transmits a sort of angelical air.
It won’t be that easy to get the short fade though, so you better be extremely careful at the moment of doing it o be sure to choose the right barber to insurance your little man’s hairstyle.
Outer Fade Hairdo
As it has been established, one of the things that characterize African American hairstyle the most are curls or waves.
This one in particular combines the neatness that the fade technique provides, with the cute messiness of longer and softer curls in a high hairdo, definitely gorgeous and outstanding.
Curly Afro with Bangs
If this African American hairstyle looks gorgeous in men, how could we resist to a little boy that plays around with it? Hairstyles like this are funny, clean and highlight the kid’s roots, so why not give it a try?
We thank you for staying and reading the whole article; we hope that was interesting and inspiring to you to try some African American hairstyles.
If you enjoyed it please share with your friends so more people get to know about this topic, we will bring you more articles like this very soon.
Thank you again and see you the next time!
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