Crazy hairstyles
Short or long, dark or light, your hair can easily become your way to self-expression with a little creativity and lots of gel.
If you are ready to go a step further and take a position in the audience, you can go to the crazy hairstyles that show your soul a wonderful madness.
The way you design your hairstyles can really create a version of you that nobody really imagines. Mohawk is a crazy hairstyle that can have a lot of innovative movement.
You can get a Mohawk hair design by simply gluing the hair from the sides with many hooks and gel and the hair from the center lifting it like a rooster’s crest.
For most of these crazy hairstyles you will need hooks.
Crazy hairstyles for short hair
The best of crazy hairstyles is that everyone can wear it, it does not matter if your hair is long or short these hairstyles will look great.
Since their perfection does not matter much, their goal is to look crazy and get attention.
When talking about short hair you can find several ideas for these crazy hairstyles, most are accompanied by shaved cuts on the sides and raised hair, you can also play with the dyes, adding colors blue, purple, pink, green yellow, orange and many more.
In this case you can see a very, very crazy hairstyle.
It consists of a cut shaved on the sides with a large crest, which makes this hairstyle different is that in places that is shaved is dyed purple.
While in the upper part, that is, the crest, it is discolored.
The roots of the central part are somewhat darker to give it an aspect of depth, there are also some strands with purple reflections, this of a touch of messy that characterizes crazy hairstyles.
This crazy hairstyle is a bit similar to the previous one, it has a touch of the Mohawk cut with a little bit of the pixie haircut, because it is much lower on the side and the back part than in the center of the hair.
If you like to dye your hair a lot this will be one of your favorites because the color palette in which it was dyed is very harmonious, it goes from black to red, and the way in which the colors fade is beautiful.
It is a bit blacker on the side and back, while in the center it is a red to black gradient from the front to the back.
The best way to wear this crazy hairstyle is very stopped, making the illusion of spikes.
This crazy hairstyle is an inspiration in the joker, from the batman movie that everyone already knows.
It consists of a green Mohawk cut in the central part, with black on the sides and then it must be very but very shaved.
In the central part, which is green has a little more movement, with a wave at the tip, while on the sides the gradient goes from black, in the part where there is hair, to nothing.
It is crazy hairstyle that you can see in the photo is a pixie, the pixie is a very classic haircut loved by all women around the world.
The pixie is a very versatile haircut and can be accompanied or altered the way you want.
This time you can see Ruby Rose wearing a pixie in her classic dark brown color, only that you see she has an alteration, in several parts of the cut there are stripes made with knives, in some parts it is longer, in others lower, but this It gives the crazy touch to this crazy hairstyle.
And continue with the spikes, at this time you can see Miley Cyrus wearing a very extravagant crazy hairstyle.
Like Ruby Rose, she is wearing a pixie, something shaved to the sides and in the back.
But all the attention of this hairstyle is centered in the middle part of your hair, where with the help of gel and a comb Miley managed to get all her hair to the top, strand by strand.
If you like this hairstyle you can try it, it will make you stand out among all.
Leaving aside the pixies and the Mohawks the Sesson cuts take control of these crazy hairstyles.
The Sesson cut is one of the best known of all time, created by Vidal Sasson.
Then you will see many crazy hairstyles that will be great with this cut.
In this case this crazy hairstyle is accompanied by two tints, one reddish blond and the other one brown with something dark, the strange and crazy thing of this hairstyle is that it is in stripes, a blond stripe and another brown, this is something never seen.
And if you thought that the previous hairstyle was something crazy We do not know what you will think of this one.
It is the same haircut only that this time it has some alterations, such as color.
This crazy hairstyle is based on a tomato, yes a tomato!
It is something incredible to see and you have to be a big fan of tomatoes to make this hairstyle, would you try it?
This crazy hairstyle is based on a mixture between the bob cut and the one you saw earlier, in this case it is accompanied by a fringe at the root of the eyebrows and is dyed in magenta, purple and black.
The front tips of this cut are usually degrafted, but this is up to you.
This type of cut is great for girls with straight hair, if your hair is straight this cut is for you.
This crazy hairstyle is very similar to the previous one, only it is a little bit shorter on the sides, it could even be mistaken for a pixie.
It consists of an abundant fringe and the tonalities of this crazy hairstyle are in red, black and orange.
The base of the hair is black, but you have those reflections, reds, oranges and yellows that give an incredible touch of light.
Crazy hairstyles for long hair
As always, long hair is one of the benefits, for this type of hair there are millions of crazy hairstyles.
Something you must take into account is that long hair is one of the most often mistreated.
Therefore, if you want to make many of these crazy hairstyles you must take care of your hair, applying masks that moisturize it so it does not lose life, since for these crazy hairstyles most of the time a lot of gel and hairspray is used, and these products damage the hair a lot.
In this picture you can see a slightly lighter hairstyle, the girl is wearing her brown hair with a layered cut and at the ends of each layer is dyed a different color, if you want to make a crazy hairstyle a little more discreet this will go wonderfully.
You can dye the color you want, the girl used colors pink, purple and some blue.
Make sure that the colors you use are in the same shade or that they combine harmoniously.
The crazy hairstyle that you can see in the image is very easy to do, you will simply need a tail, some hooks, gel and fixative.
The first thing to do is to stick the hair on each side of your head with the help of some gel, a comb and some hooks, this step must do it on each side.
Then, the hair that remains in the center you will have to comb it from above to the root, to create volume, and with the help of a fixer and a comb to make shapes with it, but it must be very upwards.
With the hair on the sides and what is left of the center try to make a French braid, when finished, hold it with a tail, apply a little fixative and that’s it.
These crazy hairstyles always go hand in hand with many colors, for that reason the specific care of your hair is important.
In this case the hairstyle consists of light blue hair with reflections of all colors, there is a bit of green, some orange, some little pink, some yellow, a rainbow itself.
This crazy hairstyle is created to give the illusion of some cat ears, or some small pieces, to do it you will need a comb, some gel, some hooks and fixative.
If you want the shape to be perfect, you can buy in some store triangle molds (for cat ears) or those that are designed for chubs.
The first thing you should do is to split the central part of your head in two, then comb the hair from above to the root to add more volume, at the end you should make like a few rolls and join them to the hair with some hooks, remember to give it the shape that wish
Then, proceed to do this with the other side, at the end add a little lacquer so everything is very firm.
This crazy hairstyle is great if you combine it with a fringe, also the game with the colors dyes gives a touch of great fantasy.
If you like to return your crazy hairstyles even more crazy you can get these designs of animals, to make them you must have your hair straight, so that it is much more manageable and to give the shape you can buy the molds in some store.
If you want your crazy hairstyle is excellent you can go to a hairdresser and ask if they perform this type of hairstyle.
In this case the animal chosen is a sea lion, if you do not get the mold you can design it yourself with some cardboard, paper and glue.
The first thing you should do is place the mold in the place of your head that you want the animal to be, knowing the place you must hold it very well with hooks.
At the end of this step put most of your hair on the mold to cover it completely and with the help of a comb begins to brush until the mold is covered, adds gel and lacquer to go doing the hairstyle so it does not come loose, finish holding your hair to the mold with some hooks and that’s it.
Hair that is loose can add some waves and even color, everything depends on you.
There are also some crazy hairstyles that are accompanied by braids.
This time it is a crazy hairstyle which is made of braids.
For this hairstyle you will need balloons, some gift ribbon, wire, some gel and two tails.
The first thing you should do is chop the wire in two, one for each braid.
You must place the wire attached to your head, it can be with the help of some hooks.
Once you have secured the wire, begin to make the braid around it, when you finish it, hold it with a tail, you must do this with each braid.
When finished, inflate the balloons, fasten them with the ribbon and place them at the end of the braid (where the tail is), do this with the other side as well.
Crazy hairstyles for curly hair
For curly hair there are also crazy hairstyles, tend to mess up your hair and disheveled at 100 percent.
In this case the hairstyle consists of two very disheveled pigtails and a rather abundant bangs.
The first thing you have to do is split your hair in two, ruffle it a bit and make the pigtail, repeat this step on the other side of your head too.
Each of the pigtails should have a lot of volume, so you can add much more combing your hair from below to the root.
For the bangs you can use an iron to straighten your hair, otherwise you can use a false bang.
Another crazy hairstyle for curly hair is simply to tousle your hair and give it volume, combing it from above towards the root.
And just leave it loose, the important thing about this crazy hairstyle is to give a lot of volume to your hair, you can add some hairspray.
If your hair is curled and short you can also give a crazy touch to your hairstyle.
In this case it is a normal cut, what makes the difference is chelate roots are of a black color, while the rest of the hair is of a fuchsia color almost red, which makes it stand out a lot.
You can make some braids in this hairstyle too, or add some pigtails and it will be very crazy and unique.
Another crazy hairstyle is the Mohican style, you can simply shave your hair from the sides, or if you do not want to do this you can comb it with gel and hold it with some hooks.
And in the center part you can give it a lot of volume and comb it up, with some gel.
When finishing the hairstyle, add some fixative and that’s it.
You can add some ornament, such as a bow or a colored hook, to make it stand out.
Crazy hairstyles for girls
These crazy hairstyles are very common in girls especially the crazy hair day.
Most of the time these hairstyles are accompanied by various objects, many of them are easy to do, if one is difficult you can go to a hairdressing salon.
In this case, the crazy hairstyle is that the sides of your hair are shaved and the center of your hair is concentrated in a very thick bangs, which goes to the side.
This crazy hairstyle is a bit similar to the one explained above with balloons.
Only instead of carrying balloons it carries some balls of cotton that are used at Christmas, and a red ribbon on each side.
The first thing you should do is divide your hair in two and hold each part with a tail.
Then, adjust the wire on each side of the head with the help of hooks, then make each of the braids and hold them with a tail.
At the end of this step, add each ribbon and the strip of cotton balls.
Like the previous one, for this crazy hairstyle you need a wire, you must place the wire in the central part of the head, hold it with hooks and place all the hair around it, you can add many tails to make it look much more crazy and funny.
For this crazy hairstyle you can also use wires, or a triangle mold for cat ears.
Around the mold you can make some braids to cover it and it will look beautiful.
This is a very funny, creative and original proposal.
This crazy hairstyle is inspired by a pumpkin and it is very easy to make, you will only need hair gel, hooks, a hair donut, a glue, washable dyes and some fake leaves.
The first thing you should do is make a pigtail, then place the donut for your hair, comb your hair over it and with the hair you can make a braid around the donut or simply turn it over and put it on the edge of it.
Then you can add some fake leaves and fasten them with hooks.
Having done this, add orange washable dye on the donut and that’s it.
This crazy hairstyle is extremely easy to do, the first thing you should do is split the hair in two, then make two little messy bunches and these little bunches you must add some pipe cleaners of different colors, and you can give different shape to each pipe cleaner.
For this crazy hairstyle you will need a hair donut, a comb, a tail, hooks, some gel for the hair and the eyes, ears and nose of a cat.
First, you must make a tail of hair, then place the donut and place the hair on it, the hair that is fastened around the donut with hooks.
When finishing this phase, you must add the ears, the eyes and the nose, so that they remain firm you can hold them with small hooks.
For this crazy hairstyle you will need a hair donor, a comb, a tail, hooks, some hair gel and a plate and something to decorate the donut and make it «edible».
First, you must make a tail of hair, then place a plate, the plate must have a hole in the middle so you can enter your hair.
Having done this, you can place the donut and place the hair on it, the hair that is fastened around the donut with hooks.
At the end, place an ornament to make it appear that the donut is glazed and that it is real.
Crazy Hairstyles for men
For men there are also crazy hairstyles, then you will see several of them that are the most famous or the most used, but especially the craziest ones.
This crazy hairstyle consists of a common cut in men currently, completely shaved to the sides and in the center with a lot of hair, only this time the hair of the center has a different shape.
For this crazy hairstyle you will need a lot of gel and a comb.
The first thing you should do is divide the center of your hair in two, apply gel and start combing, you must comb each side in the shape of a chub.
When finished, from the front of the hair you can remove some strands and shape it with the gel.
This hairstyle is one of the craziest hairstyles for men ever seen.
It consists of shaving your hair in the shape of a lizard, to get it you must go to a barber, so that the exact figure remains.
Turn your head into a pineapple!
When talking about crazy hairstyles, fruits are the most important.
This hairstyle is inspired by a pineapple, to do so you should go to a barbershop, but it consists of dyeing the hair on the sides and on the back of yellow, while in an area of the top this is longer and goes colored green.
Crazy hairstyles for boys
As with the older ones, for the little ones there are also crazy hairstyles, many of them are fun and show the creativity of each child.
In this case the hairstyle consists of some pigtails, which at the tip are dyed in different colors, do not worry about the dyes, these are fake.
This time the crazy hairstyle is very creative, consisting of some dinosaurs skating on the grass.
The hair is dyed green, and the skateboards with some hooks, while the dinosaurs are rubber, sure your son has any of them, if not, run to buy some in the store.
Thank you for reading this article, if you liked share it with your friends and family and in the comment area, which of all these crazy hairstyles was your favorite.
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