Japanese hairstyles
Finding a new hairstyle is a difficult task by itself, with all their different variations, forms and shapes it can be a very difficult thing to choose between one or the other, especially when the differences are so little.
It is more difficult when you do not know how to match your outfit with your hairstyle.
Going for hairstyles from a specific part of the world, or even a specific culture can be a great option for you. You have to think outside the box and try new things.
This is especially perfect for you if you have the culture and beliefs of the region where you are taking the hairstyles from, maybe even it does not really matter if you do not share the same beliefs and thoughts, as long as you respect it.
Japanese hairstyles are actually very simple and easy to achieve, most of them are known for having bangs and lengthy hair, but the truth is that Japanese hairstyles can also be achieved with short hair. This applies for guys and girls. Nowadays, guys also like to have long hair.
The countries culture is a really rich in variety when looking for styles and ways to express yourself. Every country has something that stands out between the rest of the world.
There is a touch that everyone has that the rest of the world recognize. In the case of Japanese girls, it would be their cuteness.
In the case of the Japanese guys, it would their odd sexiness.
The Japanese culture revolves in making girls and women look cute, or kawaii, and men having subtle and numerous hairstyles.
With the ability to suit any person with any age, hair color and face shape. The only limit that anyone should face when looking to have a Japanese hairstyle is that they should have the same hair texture and weight that is commonly found in people of this ethnic.
Japanese hairstyles for women
As we stated before, Japanese hairstyles for women can be suitable for any face shape, skin and hair color, this is mostly for the advantage that Japanese hairstyles can give.
With face framing strands that fit any face shape. This framing strands working wonders to make any face appear with lovely and cute facial features.
We believe that that is one of the biggest perks these hairstyles have.
It does not matter what type of shape your face has, you are going to look feminine, elegant, cute and beautiful without a try.
Since early Japan, aristocrat’s beauty standards were incredibly high, especially for women. They let their hair grew out and wore it straight. They used to have a hard time washing their hair because of its length and more than 10 layers of their kimonos.
One of the most difficult things for a girl, and even for boys sometimes, it is to choose the right type of hairstyle.
The good thing about Japanese hairstyles is that they fit for almost anyone; it does not matter the hair color, haircut, hair length, face shape or even your outfit. These type hairstyles can be the first option for any women in the world.
Japanese women are always on point when it comes to fashion, a big part of staying trendy and fashionable it is to choose the right hairstyle.
Of course your outfit plays a big role when it comes to your looks, however, if you do not choose your hairstyle right and appropriate for the occasion, your look may be affected by that in a big way.
It is important to know when you have to look cute and innocent, and when you have to look extravagant and elegant; and Japanese girls definitely know how to do that.
Nowadays, Japanese women are still known not just for having a perfect skin, but also for having an amazing hair. These are some of the hairstyles that would work almost on anyone.
Long hair with bangs
This is the most common hairstyle in Japanese women, it actually is the “cliché” that everybody thinks of when thinking about Japanese hairstyles.
But the truth is that this hairstyle is a cliché for a reason, it is one of the (if not the) most common Japanese hairstyles out there.
With lengthy locks that reach below the breasts, sometimes even reaching the length of the hips or even lower than that, mixed with some cute bangs, every woman looks its best when rocking this look.
The only downside we may find of this look is the maintenance of the hair, as having it longer means more care and protection.
But the advantages of this look are that you are going to be able to have much hair to play with and create other hairstyles with!
Swirled Bouffant
This is the perfect hairstyle for a Red-Carpet look, most of female celebrities use this elegant but simple Bouffant to match their outfits. All you need for this hairstyle is a couple of pins.
You have to form a half up half down ponytail with almost half of your hair, then you can swirl it up in one side and clip it with some pins and that is it. You are going to look elegant and chic just by using a couple of pins on your hair.
Not just Japanese celebrities use this type of hairstyle, even the most famous people around the world use this hairstyle.
Roller Buns
If we are talking not just about popular hairstyles but also about popular Japanese trends, we must include the Roller Buns.
They are simple but at the same time edgy and cool. You just have to divide your hair into two equal parts and make an untidy bun on each side.
You can complete your look with cool accessories that match your outfit and that is it. You will look edgy and original while you show off your hairstyle.
This type of hairstyle is mostly used by young Japanese girls.
Knot Pony half up half down hairstyle
If you do not know what type of hairstyle you want to wear on your daily routine, this option is the solution to all of your problems, especially if you have short and curly hair. You have to pull back some of your hair on the sides and then form a knot.
Headbands go great with this type of Japanese hairstyles. Literally, you can use it for any occasion you want, from a very casual and normal look to a more formal and elegant look, whatever you are looking for you got it!
Not every Japanese girl like to keep their hair straight, sometimes they want to have curly hair once in a while.
Bob haircut
This is a very trendy haircut not only in Japan but also around the world, it has become a must to all those women who want to have short hair without having to risk all the length of their hair and still having movement.
This hairstyle is a very common option when looking for Japanese hairstyles, you are going to find them everywhere you look!
This type of Japanese hairstyles is typically used with bangs, they not only add movement and dimension but they also make the person wearing this hairstyle look cuter and more innocent, which is pretty much the goal of every woman in Japan.
This type of haircut makes you sexy but innocent at the same time, that is why Japanese girls love it, they can show off their cuteness with this hairstyle.
Long wavy japanese hairstyle
Not all the Japanese girls like using their hair short, actually, when most people think about Japanese hairstyles for women they have the image of a long haired girl with perfectly straight hair.
It is really simple, but women look gorgeous with it, this one is not really common among Japanese women because they usually have thick hair, so they do not want to add more volume to it; but still, they can look beautiful showing off this wavy type of hairstyle.
Yoko-hyogo ancient Japanese hairstyle
Nowadays, we have specific hairstyles that we like to wear for special occasions like parties. At the Edo period, Japanese women also had their special-occasion type of hairstyle and this was the Yoko-hyogo.
If they went out with this look, people immediately would know that they were going to attend an important party, gathering, meeting or engagement.
This type of hairstyles was based on making wings with the hair on the sides using wax and making a voluminous bun at the top of the head, they used to add some fancy sticks and extravagant accessories to complete the look.
We can see Japanese women have gone through a lot of stages when it comes to hairstyles. They can go from simple and cute to extravagant and fancy.
The important thing is that they are known for their unique beauty and style, something that is recognized everywhere in the world.
There is a style for every type of girl: cute, elegant, diva, fancy, punk and so on. There is something for everyone. It does not matter if you are not some Japanese women. You can still manage to pull off one of these types of hairstyles.
It is true that fashion is more important to women most of the times; however, that does not mean that men do not take their looks.
Japanese hairstyles for girls
Having a little one in our lives can sometimes be messy and mostly time consuming, but that does not mean that our little ones have to go around looking like a mess.
Actually, in the Japanese culture, it is believed that everyone must always be on their best looks even little girls.
So here we are to help you and show you some simple yet beautiful looks that you can do to your little angel in no time.
Simple bob cut with bangs
Like mother like daughter, this Japanese hairstyle for girls is really simple and easy to achieve as is more of a haircut than another thing.
This look consists on cutting you girls hair in a bob cut, we recommend for you to tell the hair dresser to add bangs to the look as it will make your baby girl look ten times cuter than what she already is.
Depending on the length of the hair you are going to be able to achieve other types of Japanese hairstyles with easy, but this one is a hairstyle by itself and the only thing you need to worry about is that it’s well brushed and styled.
Two ponytails Japanese hairstyle
This look is actually very known for little girls in the whole world, but that doesn’t mean that we are going to skip it here!
We are actually going to tell you that this look is perfect for girls any age, and it will make you seem cuter is you use it with bangs, that you may have noticed that bangs are super common for Japanese girls at the moment of creating a hairstyle.
For this hairstyle all you need to do is separate the hair in half, and then tie both sides in a simple ponytail, make sure that they are at the same height in order to not make it look weird or mismatched and your baby girl’s Japanese hairstyles is done!
Two braids hairstyle
This look is quite similar to the last Japanese hairstyles we talked about.
Actually, the only difference you may seem between this look and the other is that this one consists on braids instead of ponytails.
To achieve this beautiful look, all you need to do is separate your baby girl’s hair in two halves and braid each side with the braiding technique you feel more comfortable with, it can be a simple three stranded braid or even a four stranded braid if you are feeling daring.
Adorable black and long hairstyle
This simple hairstyle consists on leaving your little girls hair grow as long as it can, while keeping its bangs the desired length.
This will make you baby girl look the like the cutest girl in the world, as well as leaving you plenty of hair to play with at the moment of doing other hairstyles to your baby girl.
Japanese hairstyles for men
We know that men usually have a little harder time at the time of looking for different looks for try on, maybe it’s because of the length difference where they can’t really try things such as ponytail, buns and others.
Or maybe it’s simply because men don’t usually like to take many risks when it comes to theirs looks.
Actually, men are head-to-head against women when it comes to fashion, maybe they do not have as many hairstyles options as women but they still have a variety of choices.
Puffy Top Hair Look
This is the perfect choice if a guy wants to look extravagant and stand out. This hairstyle is based on having a lot of volume on top of the head, which is why guys need to use a volume shampoo in order to get the result that they want.
Guys like to stand out as much as girls do, that is why this type of hairstyle is so trendy. It does not only allow you to stand out more in the crowd, but it can also work for any occasion you may think of.
From a casual meeting with friends to a more elegant look, like a party then this is the perfect option for you. It works for almost every outfit and works even more for men who have at least a mid-length hair.
Back Pony Easy Look hairstyle
Women are not the only ones that can try on and pull off a ponytail, actually men can totally rock a ponytail or a bun and still look amazingly handsome while they are doing it.
This specific Japanese hairstyles for men are perfect for those guys who like to wear a longer hair, but don’t really want to deal with the bother of having the hair on their face through the whole day.
The idea is simple, for you to gather your hair un in a simple ponytail –or even a bun! – when you are going out, this will not only make you look like you take time preparing and making your hair look good.
Downward spiked Japanese hairstyle
This is probably one of the most common hairstyles that Japanese men wear. If men want to look cool and fashionable, this should their first option. It is most commonly used for parties but also if guys want to look cool 24/7, they can pull this off.
It really is a very versatile look, that can be worn in an everyday look, or to a more formal event like a party, you can wear it wherever you feel like it’s going to make you feel food and handsome.
This is a look common in the Japanese modern culture with every men and guy wearing this simple yet beautiful look.
Slick Japanese Hairstyle
This is one of the most difficult type of hairstyles to get right, even if it does not seem like it. To look good with this one you have to be able to get the patterns on the front hair as clean as possible. This usually used by college Japanese boys.
Back in the day, Japanese men did not have a golden era of fashion as women did in the Edo period. However, nowadays men have taken the fashion world by surprise.
Maybe they do not have as many hairstyles as women, but they definitely know how to stand out in the crowd with a good look.
Most of the Japanese hairstyles for men can go from gothic to chill.
They are really versatile, it just depends on the personal style of the guy and what type of vibe he wants to project and most of the time, the idols from Japan have different hair colors; it is actually one the most first things than the rest of the world notice when they see them.
Japanese hairstyles for boys
Making your baby boy have a gorgeous Japanese hairstyle can be a very good option for you to do make him look the cutest and prettiest baby boy in the world.
Who says that baby boys are to go around in like without looking the best they can? We believe that boys can
Carpet hair
This Japanese hairstyle for boys resembles a crop from the shaved hair that is commonly seen in men.
For this look to be achieved all you need to do is cut your baby’s hair short, reassembling the length that the carpets have.
This does not mean that your little angel is going to look bad, quite contrary this look is perfect for any type face shape.
The undercut
This is one of the most modern hairstyles for kids you are going to find out there. It will look amazing on your baby.
To achieve this look all you need to do is trim the sides shorter than the hair on the top of the head, and swiping the hair that’s longer.
This hairstyle will give your abby boy a rocking look, and he will be proud to shoe it around to his friends.
Bowl cut
This simple look is a great option for all those moms out there who are looking for an easy to maintain hairstyle for their boys.
This cut is perfect for the common Japanese hair, which is straight and weighted down, maintaining the look at all times no matter what.
This hairstyle is super easy to achieve, all you have to do is go to a hair salon and ask the hair dresser to apply this look on your baby boy and you are going to have the cutest and easiest Japanese hairstyles for boys.
Thank you so much for read this article. You are always welcome here.
¡Por cierto! Antes de que te vayas, queremos recomendarte esto que seguro que te interesa:
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- Men’s Hairstyles
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- Easy Hairstyles
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